I took this thread down for a couple of days.
It needed a lot of work.
If you made a post that was taken away, PM me about it.
What is left here is good stuff....Bmanz
Does your 'No Torque Theory' assert that this approach is as effective, in all aspects, as the 'Drag/Drive' combo?
It is—from a mathematical perspective—better for distance than Drive Loading, and not as good a Drag Loading.
But really, so what?
Pure Swinging is as useless on full shots in competitive golf as the other two.
This is what the MATH SAYS (remembering that the math was done by a REAL physicist):
Drag Loading - 85% of the maximum clubhead speed possible by a golfer.
Drive Loading - less than 60% of the maximum clubhead speed possible by a golfer.
Pure Swinging - Somewhere in the middle of those two, buy undoubtably closer to 85%
Is the 'No Torque' approach superior in some aspect/s? Are there or have there been any tour professionals that have applied the 'No Torque' approach?
The "Pure Swinging" /No-Torque approach is better for learning a golf "swing" and better for certain shots, in my opinion.
If any Tour pros used this approach, they'd have been very short hitters.
i think brian advocates the no torque "pure swing" in shorts chips, pitches, and perhaps putts, but it won't provide the umph required for today's game. it's a great way to establish tempo, etc.
the sd pattern is no torque until the end of the backswing, then drag, then drive.
Good Answer.
This is something me and a few friends have debated on and I'm glad Brian made that post since I had a general idea of Dr. Zick's findings, but now this is more detail.
I understand and agree that golfers do a little bit of both, but from my experience it's good to figure out what you primarily do.
I've become a 'hitter' and my ballstriking is entirely better. So understanding what both feel like and thru some trial and error got me a pattern that I'm happy with.
think you are a "hitter."
You are using a certain pattern that may be called "hitting," or you are using elements of a pattern—or certain
FEELS—that make you think, or someone say, you are "hitting"....
But, you are not.
You may be using the right arm more for Force Across the Shaft.
But you are NOT "hitting."
You are PULLING LIKE CRAZY, which means you are "Swinging" too.
EVERYONE who can hit it out of their shadow is USING BOTH.
You have to.
But, if calling yourself a "hitter," or making a pattern that is called "hitting" makes you PLAY BETTER, go right ahead a do it.
Call it "Ishcabibbling" or anything you want.
Keep hitting it good.
You are NOT "hitting."
My next question is which one is better, swinging or hitting ? Which one gives more power or accuracy?
Any form of "Swinging" is INFINITELY BETTER than pure hitting, which may not even exist anywhere on earth on full swings.
To be perfectly honest.
Brian has anwsered the 'power' part of that, where hitting provides less chs.
Accuracy? A lot depends on what degree of clubface control the player has, or how much torque he needs to give to control it. I would vote swinging provides more control particularly as the club gets longer.
If you made a Never Slice Again 2 swing, er...pattern, and you did the "Twistaway" about halfway, made a short backswing, got you right elbow more behind and less in front on the way to "Striking the box," and did NO twisting past impact, that would be a pattern that would work, and some would call "Hitting."
It won't be any more Driving or dragging or Hitting or Swinging than it was before.
It would be a slightly different pattern.
I can only speak for myself, I'm far, far more accurate and consistent with hitting over swinging.
Let me re-write that for you....
"I'm far better off not opening the clubface and rolling my left arm open on the backswing...."
Most people would fall in that category.
"I'm far better not thinking about pulling anything on the downswing, because I probably pull to much with my arms instead of my pivot. Not thinking about that, or trying to get my right elbow to lead me into impact works better for me."
Lots of folks would find out the same thing.
"I'm far better off using my right arm straightening and my right shoulder slowing, to improve my sequence through the ball."
There is a certain percentage of people, maybe less than 20%, that would find the same thing.
But Richie, if we put you in a 6° 3D machine, and put strain gauges on your shaft, and stuck needles in your body to measure which muscles were firing...
You are NOT hitting.
No one can and hit it anywhere.
Everyone who has done tests like the one above, who thought they could get a measurement device to measure a difference between swinging and hitting failed miserably!
You are doing a better job of controlling the TRUE clubface, the TRUE clubhead path, without sacrificing power.
You are not hitting.
But so what?
Go play good.