Hogan move from Address (page 3 pics)

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First Mr JB and later VJT emphasized this movement had an important purpose although they focused on different positions.

Dariusz J.

New member
So much for him being a S&T'er

Yep. I saw poor photoshopping aimed at using the biggest authrority in golf to support S&T. But, not only them falsed the reality and tried to use Hogan's name/motion to validate something. They were not alone. There were, are and will be greedy people wanting to cash a few bucks on a legend.
BTW, I remember when this site was in dark times of TGM stupidity and Brian argued that pre-secret Hogan's motion was better LOL.


Brian Manzella

Yep. I saw poor photoshopping aimed at using the biggest authrority in golf to support S&T. But, not only them falsed the reality and tried to use Hogan's name/motion to validate something. They were not alone. There were, are and will be greedy people wanting to cash a few bucks on a legend.
BTW, I remember when this site was in dark times of TGM stupidity and Brian argued that pre-secret Hogan's motion was better LOL.


I was very, very wrong.
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