How about this swing? Comments

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Ton's of pros have that little hitch with the hips. I'll leave the why's to someone who knows more then me, but I've observed it plenty. Do all these guys play a draw?

I would love to see his TM/FS numbers. To the top he looks about perfect to me. I absolutely love his wrist set and sequencing on the moveaway from a 2D view.
Looks like he has no problems with tugging and does only what’s necessary with the body and nothing more, I like it.
Been thinking the same thing Oliver

Operative word here "learn". When at look at "less than conventional" moves I'm amazed at a few things: How did that sequence come about? How good they are at syncing it, and who was brilliant enough to not change it? Im betting Jack Grout did not "teach" a flying elbow but he didn't dare change Jack...
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