"I feel like I never move my hands"

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That's true in a Hand Controlled Pivot procedure. But, NOT in a Pivot Controlled Hands procedure, NOR in my Elbow Controlled Pivot procedure. In these two, lag pressure is there, but it's not monitored. In the Elbow procedure, the Right Elbow is delivered to it's impact location in the same way that some deliver the hands to their "impact location" rather than using an aiming point on the ground.
What Miz said.

How are you to direct your right shoulder "downplane" if you are monitoring the pressure point?

Also, do you even need to monitor the lag in order to direct PP #3? Since it is attached to the forearm and the elbow is a critical part of the forearms location it seems quite logical to use the right elbow as a control.

That's a good point - why try to do two things when one will suffice. Directing the bent elbow to impact location guarantees the lag.
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