Impact Bags

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Just curious Richie,

Which Pivot do you like:

A. Stack & Tilt (Lean left on the backswing, keeping most of the weight the left foot with a steep shoulder turn, then use the front middle of the body to "hump" a spot somewhere between the ball and 45° to the left oft he ball from the golfer's view.)

B. Tripod (With your head precisely between the feet at address and at least until the follow-through, the rest of the body "waits at address" for the motion of the arms and hands to be pulled to the top, and from the top, with a very slight hip slide for axis tilt)

C. Manzella Dynamic (step on your right foot very early and then rotate around the point between the shoulder sockets against the right leg angle that helps create a fall to the left foot, followed by a near one to one—in degrees—unwind and axis tilt, leading up to the snapping of the kinetic chain, and having the arms pull the body out of the follow-through.)

I don't like the S&T. I think it can work, but I think there's pivot motions out there that are a lot more effective and consistent. Looking at the stats of the guys on tour that use the S&T they are not that impressive, in fact a bit weak. I think the S&T pivot can help with some flaws in the swing, but I also think there's better ways to not only get rid of those flaws and to hit the ball with much more power.

I'm not really sure if I understand the tripod pivot. The Manzella Dynamic is something I *try* to use. It's more of a "screwing the right foot into the ground" technique that you may have heard of.


Tripod pivot is the TGM... keep your head in the middle of your feet. The pivot Brian teaches uses the point between the shoulder sockets and the head will be allowed to move a bit backwards in the backswing.
Believe it or, in most cases, very little.

yeah that's what i meant...i have tried to acheive a flat left wrist by practicing with an impact bag, and by doing "basic" motion drills, but neither did anything to help my wrist "condition" or low point during a full swing.
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