Originally Posted by drewyallop
Many good points birly. But many are contradicted in the book I referenced. I suggest you get the book for a more complete argument. I think you would be surprised at how much high intensity training can contribute to overall athletic performance, including speed. But note that there are may be insurmountable limits imposed by an individual's genetic makeup.
Been doing strength/fitness training for years and Body By Science was the most eye opening read on the subject I have ever set eyes on. Enough science and footnotes to satiate most here I would imagine. I just returned the book to the library and I definitely will be buying a copy of this one.
Just started reading this book and I have to agree 100% with it being the most eye opening subject. At my age of 54 my body that daily breaks down because of the years of "low intensity" long time workouts, this knowledge is the best thing that could have happened to me. My body can endure "high intensity" short time bursts a few times a week. Once you get passed all the reasons and studies why it works the book is "Ting of Beauty". That last comment for all my Italian brothers and sisters out there.