Is Rory under the plane?

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I am confused. Questions ...

Let's assume that Kevin's assertion that a symptom of an under plane swing is leading edge of club contacting the ground before impact. Why does this happen in an "under plane" swing? Why does this not happen on an "on plane" swing?

If you state that a swing is under plane there must be a reference plane (ideal plane?). How is that reference plane defined?

I guess technically any plane that is supposed to hit the ball must disect it.

Therefore the only TRUE way to be "under" plane is to miss the ball to the inside and toe it or hit the dirt.
Its been discussed at length that there are multiple ways to swing left (simply aim more left or aim at the target and swing left) so obviously there are multiple ways to swing right. Rory sets up pretty square to his target on all shots, swings left with his irons and right with his driver. If he sets up a bit too far left and swings a bit too far right, he could "look" under.
Rory is a rare case: Ive seen +10 HSP, +5 in-out path, at 45 degrees with a +2.5 face to path, meaning still 5 inside out creating a small push, huge draw ball flight. To me actually "under" would see the hands lower and the club acutally flatter into impact. That is RARE...Rory impact position, other than right, looks really similar to address. With a serious rightward path, the video will look way under, but check out impact.
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