So what's the deal with these McLean reports?
Dear Lia,
Thanks for returning to the original theme and what I hope to show, the real value of "these McLean reports", which I hope you mean the kinematic sequence plots of 2 of his swings.
As background regarding the possible differences of the kinematics of the same golfer with the same club doing multiple swings, I want to inject some actual personal experience that truly launched me into this passion for seeking 'golf truth' thru science.
A few years ago I made plans to have lunch with Phil Cheetham in Carlsbad where he was certifying the teaching staff at a major golf academy on the AMM/TPI 3D 6DOF System the academy had recently purchased. As is my habit, I arrived a few hours early to prepare for the luncheon meeting with Phil where I would present my findings as to the destructive aspects of inadequate dynamic balance during the explosive downswing.
Unexpectedly, when I poked my head into the 'classroom', Phil asked me to provide the scientific background, and answer a question of one of the academies instructors, and then invited me to stay for the next few hours as he 'tested' and explained the results of each of their swings recorded previously.
The thrust of my story, and the connection with the Jim McLean data that started this thread was the demonstration and recording of the 'Director of Instruction' performing various swing styles in repetitive swings. After 5, he asked if there were any other suggestions, and I requested he perform one with BETTER DYNAMIC BALANCE, at that time I called it a BODIGolf swing for "Body Optimized and Dynamics Integrated", later to be known on this site and implemented as BBKIB.
The comparative results of all 6 swings were then placed on the 55 inch, large screen monitor by Phil, to collectively view the differences in the shape of the kinematic sequences of the 6 different swing styles. It was to me a revelation in understanding as how the same body could produce such varying appearances from the same elite PGA golfer 'apparently' hitting the ball about the same way. NOT SO !!!
And that is ALMOST the end of this story, and I believe the 2 GREAT lessons to be learned from the data Brian supplied at the beginning of this thread, from Dr. Rob Neal's system testing two of Jim McLean's swings. (1) In a very short time, a golfer can adapt to a 'corrective' small change in set-up, or early down swing path or position and GREATLY affect the kinematic sequence and results of the shot for the better, and (2), the ultimate punch line, with all of us working together, seeking, finding and cooperatively sharing golf truth, IMO, ALL golfers will have the opportunity to improve.
Finally, and admittedly self serving, as judged by ALL the academies instructors, the BODIGolf swing (AKA BBKIB) noted above had the best kinematic sequence and highest club head speed by 7 %%, including 2 of the other swings which were defined to be 'long drive' attempts. IMO, because of the quality of this golfer, the BBKIB instruction and practice swings took less than a minute, but produced considerably more dynamic balance and stability margin as measured and displayed in the TPI data regarding Trunk Dynamic Stability for each swing.
However, and in conclusion, I truly believe with proper understanding and quality instruction, this magnitude of improvement can be made available for golfers of ALL capabilities, fulfilling their dream of FINALLY being able to improve.
Hope and pray this focuses the remaining posts regarding this thread.