Jon's log

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I have the HOOKS

Practiced today. Contact was decent, but I hooked everything off the planet. Tried a couple things, didn't quite alleviate the problem. My short game is coming along nicely. I made a pretty important discovery today. I learned how to you the flange on my wedges. If I wanted to hit a running shot, I concentrate in the leading edge of the club entering the ground first. For a high spinning shot I concentrate on hitting the ground with the back of the club. I'm interested to see how this plays out on the course. I'm playing Wednesday, so hopefully I can at least do some inside swing drills before then. My conditioning block that my strength coach has me on is kicking my ass, but I'm already seeing some benefits. Not only am I leaner, but I'm definitely not as tired after practicing as I usually. I also feel I have better sensory perception and kinesthetic awareness. More conditioning and more practicing to come. If anyone is interested in seeing what I'm doing for strength and condition, just reply to this thread and I'll start posting it here.
Conditioning Block Session 7

I'm about half way through this block. Here's what I did today:

Front Squat 10x10 85lbs
Bench Press 10x10 85lbs
Reverse Grip BB Row 10x10 95

30 secs rest, at the most between all sets. I'll be moving up on the bench and BB row. On the days I don't train in the gym I do some sort of conditioning(Walk, run, sprints, sled dragging etc).
Where are you located? Do you go to school in IA? I just went to Heiser myself and got fitted for a driver. I'm around 30 minutes away from him.
Well, I went/go to Cornell College in Mt. Vernon (near CR), but I graduate on Sat. so I'm going back to Chicago for the summer. Jerry is definitely top notch. What did he set you up with?

Supplemental session

Rode the bike for 10 miles in 30 minutes.
Wishon 949 MC hand picked to 10*. Not cheap but quality club. My next club might be a hybrid. Did he MOI your irons?
No, we didn't moi the irons, although one day I'd like to have a set that has those properties. We just found the moi on the 6 iron I liked/performed the best and just added that amount of weight to all my irons. We did the same with my woods. Maybe once I get some money I'll have him work up a set for me.
Trained then practiced today. Contact was good, but I'm still hooking the hell out of the ball. I think I know why. I think it's because in the downswing I have no left wrist cock, which then results in rolling/over rolling to early. I'm definitely not flipping because I can put the club on the movie screen. Also I'm not losing lag pressure because I definately feel pp# 3 all the way through the swing. I'm desperate, any ideas? Brian, Jim, Tom, anyone???

Training Session
Split Squats 4x8 each leg held 50 lb db's in each hand
T pushups 5x12
Inverted Rows 3x8 bodyweight
Scap Chin ups 2x10 bodyweight
Standing ab pulldown 3x15 90lb

The title says it all, I played bad, I mean bad!! I had no confidence. Once I sat down afterwards and thought about it and made a few swings, I figured out my problems were due to over acceleration from the top. I'm hoping to get to practice before Sunday, but with graduation and moving out, it seems bleak. I'll be doing lots of fiddle drills to remedy the problem and hopefully I'll be rid of it soon.


edit: I hit balls tonight, world's apart. My tempo was much better thanks to the soft hands drill from my instructor and the fiddle drill from Brian. My only bad shots was when I over accelerated at the top. More work to be done on this matter. But in the mean time I have to graduate.
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So, I graduated. Now I'll have some more time to dedicate to the dream. I hit balls today. Focused on my tempo and not over accerating the golf club. I found that I hit some really easy feeling shots doing this, I barely felt anything, other than the swing taking forever. I also noticed that my right arm, on my bad swings, wants to shoot accross my body/ move laterally, instead of unfolding down plane. Here's another attempt at an image. My right arm, when reaching hip height internally rotates (putting the palm on your belly) as opposed to karate choping down plane. I also trained today and here's how that went.

single leg deadlift 4x8 each side 150lbs
single arm db row 5x12 each side 75lbs
alternating incline db press 3x8 each side 70lbs per hand
Scap push ups 2x10
Sidebends/oblique pull downs 3x15 90
more training

It's raining something fierce here today, so I'm not going to practice outside. I did train in the gym though

Front squat 10x10 30 sec rest between sets 85lbs
Bench press 10x10 30 sec rest 95lbs
Reverse Grip BB Rows 10x10 30 sec rest 115

Will be moving up on everything.
With graduation finally over and I've returned from vacation/standing in a friends wedding, I've actually now have time to practice and play again. Have been training, same sessions, just another time. I played golf today, shot 67, struck the ball better than I have, but the greens were really shagy, so putting was difficult. I have reincorporated the twistaway into my swing. This has provided me much better feedback on the #3 pp and has forced my pivot to be correct. I did hit some hooks today, but I hit a lot of solid shots. I'll be getting lessons with Jim, then Brian soon enough, so the next few months will be an exciting time. Will be embarcking on another phase of my physical training soon, so I will update everyone on that. Overall I'm pleased with how things are going, just need some more fine tuning and practice.
Really been working on the basic swinging motion lately. I feel that although I can hit the ball well enough, I can drastically improve my consistency by working on the very basics of the swing. I find one of the most difficult things for me is the proper sequence of release. I am able to transport my arms on the downswing, but then as release begins my wrists release before my right elbow starts straightening. I believe it should be pivot throws elbow straighter, elbow straighter throws wrist straighter, then roll. If I'm wrong, please someone correct my understanding. More work and hopefully a lesson or even 2 with jim will accelerate this process. My short game is coming along great, putting is great and chipping/pitching is getting better as my work on my full swing continures. I am starting a "new" program this month. I say "new" because it was the first program my coach ever gave me, but he wants to see where I've come and how much of a shift in body composition I can make in 3 weeks. I'll be doing additional conditioning work on top of this program when I have time.

Day 1
Front Squat 5x5 (week 1 work up to a 5 rm, other weeks, do as many sets up to 5 as I can at week 1 weight, if achieve 5x5, repeat cycle)
DB RDL'S 3x8
Chins 10x3
push ups 10x10
Bent over rows 3x8
Prone bridges 3x60 secs

Day 2
Lat pulldowns 5x8
DB flyes 5x8
Single arms DB row 5x8
db lateral raises 3x12
lying tri extentions 3x12
bicep hammer curls 3x12
Step ups 5x8

Day 3
Deadlifts 5x5 (all same weight, about 80%1rm)
DB reverse lunges 3x8
incline bench 10x3
inverted rows 10x10
bench press 3x8
bridges 3x60sec

Day 4
Overhead press 5x8
Seated rows 5x8
Turkish get up 5x8
plate shrugs 3x12
plate extensions 3x12
plate curls 3x12
single leg dead 5x8
played 9 today, shot even par. Then I had my lesson with my teacher, we worked on eliminating my casting/clubhead throwaway. He have me a drill and it instantly helped. I'm now hitting the ball farther(I didn't need any of that), higher and definately more consistent. I've never hit my driver and 3 iron so well. I'll keep working on it and hopefully this is the start of a good run. Trained the last 2 days also, sessions 1 and 2.
He said it was an old arnold palmer drill. Basically you get a crappy steel shafted club, set up with something durable(bench, driving range barrier, I imagine a coulpe stacked impact bags) which comes up about hip high. Concentrate on trying to hit the barrier with the shaft hard. You do all this with your pivot. He said that if I started snapping shafts, I'd be on the right track. The biggest thing for me and what I believe for most people also, I have to over my fear of hitting it hard. If I am afraid and don't hit it hard, I throw the clubhead away. Good luck.
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