Jon's log

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I think I might be able to get a video up on fri. If not maybe when I have my lesson on Sun. with jim, he'll get some pictures. Shot even par today, had a lot of oppurtunities for birdie, but couldn't convert. I now can get the lag the the beginning of my downswing, but have trouble sustaining sometimes. Some more work on the drill in the mean time before my lesson.
Boy oh boy. Shot even on a new course today. I didn't hit 1 good shot, I chipped, pitched and putted my heart out today. I didn't get or maintain my lag but once today. I hooked everything. God I'm glad I have a lesson on Sun.
Had my lesson with jim today. He'll be chiming in hopefully with some pics and comments of his own. He is a very good teacher who gets right to the point and will try to explain things till you understand them. We decided to make some changes and so far so good. After the lesson i went to work on what we had talked about. Things instantly improved. My consistency was up, contact was good, distance, direction, everything was better. We worked on geting my backswing more up, staying more centered on the backswing and tracing a straight plane line. My planeline was out to right field. We'll see when I play this week whether the changes start filtering into my game. I'm excited and feel I'm going in the right direction.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Jon's Lesson Recap

Jon is a nice golfer who is looking to improve who, like some good players, have "over done" some of Manzella-isms that have helped so many golfers like:

Visually Flat left wrist
Full Roll swivel
Axis Tilt
Leaning to the right at the top of the swing

The above are all great things that work for pretty much 90% of people HOWEVER you can "over do" them and Jon has. He has turned into one of the flattest left wristed hookers that swing way out to right field i've ever seen lol.

He could be one of the most perfect candidates EVER for "Never Hook Again." So obviously knowing that we went right to work. Not going to go through everything but i am going to list the things that Jon needs to work on, for him, to improve his ballstriking.

1) GET STIFFER IRON SHAFTS! LOL. This is something whoever reads this should understand that the shafts jon is playing are too soft for him and were causing straight shots that drew in excess of 5 yards. So he began to swing MORE to the right to play that draw instead of playing the proper equiptment

2) You need to position your right hand on the club in a much more neutral position. You have a tendency to get it very strong which creates way too fast of a closing rate and thus adds to your left problems.

3) You need to setup with more mid-body hands so that you get to the top of the turned shoulder plane and not below it.

4) You need to keep your head as still as possible and create as little hip turn as possible. This will keep you from getting so far "in" and not going so "out" at the ball influencing the hook.

5) You need to start using your pivot more and your arms less. You are a very big strong guy who i will likely hire as my bodyguard when i make the tour BUT until then you need to learn to wallop that ball with your pivot FIRST then you can start "adding some right arm" AFTER.


Drills to perform to help achieve the above:

1) Setup a ball very close to an object that is parallel to your ball and target line. Hit pitch or 3/4 shots to a target roughly 50-100 yards away and don't hit that object and also "grade yourself" after each shot. Your goal is get the ball to go straight at your target with none to very little left/right movement

2) The Ron Gring tylenol drill. You need to setup in an impact condition with your hands in a cocked position near your thigh. Then using nothing but your PIVOT hit a shot that goes straight and have your arms stop at the follow through.


Work on everything above for and we will slowly move your plane line more left and close to straight. However it will still be rotated slightly right (draw side of maxtrix) because i know that is your preferred flight.

Any questions please let me know.

Also anyone who is reading this who has questions please start a new thread, this is Jon's log and i don't want it to be cluttered up with questions.

Thanks again
Practiced today. Worked on the chipping, tylenol drill and full shots. Shots were unsatifactory at first, but improved. Then I moved onto full shots and hit many in a row. Then I regressed some into some new and old swing hybrid, the results was my ever popular low hook. Did more drills and some more drills and the full shots got better. I have to pivot really far left, at least that's that way it feels. More work tomorrow. I have been keeping up with my training, which is going well.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Bolded above.....

Something every hooker i've ever worked with has said. Take a look at the post of Hunter Mahan's you tube video and look at how far LEFT that driver works.
Played golf today. Shot Even par, only using irons. So my distance "advantage" was all but gone. I'm continuing to work on what me and Jim identified. It is getting better, but I still have a long way to go.
Pre lesson swing. If you read jim's previous post you'll see his comments.
This is where I need to be/working towards
I'm trying to get the feeling of how far left I really have to swing to hit it straight.
This picture shows why I need new shafts in my clubs. It explains itself.
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Chris Sturgess

New member
Nice pics, working on some stack and tilt huh. Haha, I'm just kidding but that is kind of the idea. Changing from hitting a draw to a straight shot or even a fade is always a little weird at first, looks like your getting there. I'll be interested to know if your length gets affected at all.

Why is that second drill called the "tylenol" drill?
Played today. Shot 65 (5 under) and hit the ball pretty well. Chipping and pitching have gotten much better. Better direction, but would like to get a tad bit better distance control. A few observations:

-If I quit pivoting I fade it now, only the occasional hook

-It is still weird turning so far left

-Short game much better

-Still difficult to not lean so far right in my backswing, but it has gotten better

-I am getting new shafts soon!!!!
Home course(Fresh Meadow), back tees, no woods (3 iron on down only). Course rating is 69.7 from back there.
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