Lee Westwood

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Wouldn't Kostis count as "one of the usual suspects"?

Faldo seems like a good guess to me, and I was a huge fan of Faldo in his playing days – but from what he says in the booth (much of it smart) I am not so certain about how good a teacher he would be. Knowing things about your own swing and being able to teach are just not the same skill.

Wouldn't Lee be a fantastic student (at least in a hypothetical case) for Project 1.68 and the new ideas about the release? It seems to me that in his full swing, if Lee has a fault it is too much turn and not enough of a free release and arm swing...
The ONLY thing holding him back from winning is his putting/short game. Start changing his swing and he may not even make a cut.
Is reported by GC to be: Tony Johnstone, a Zimbabwean senior golfer.
Who was well known as having one of the better short games on the Euro tour. Westwood hits the ball so well, not sure why he would want to change long game. For my money, Brian is as good a short game teacher as anyone out there. He really helped my short pitches and his sand game video "over and out" has made my sand game fool proof. Westwood has been to a lot of short game instructors, the issue is not likely a technical one.
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