On the subject of IQ and natural intelligence:
Work ethic is much more impressive than simply being naturally smart. In almost every field(exceptions would include subjects such as theoretical physics, etc) a high level of natural intelligence is not necessary, even to be an expert. Most people, if they bust their butt hard enough, can understand most things(including the golf swing), even quite complicated subjects. Theres nothing impressive about someone with natural intelligence, the impressive things are what they can accomplish when they apply themselves fully. The same way you wouldn't criticize a retarded person for being stupid, theres no reason to applaud a genius's natural intelligence. They just got lucky, similar to how a retarded person was unlucky. Think of Ben Hogan. As much as we all think his swing was the best ever, he "knew" his swing wasn't the best in the world and had to work all day long to become the player he was. That is impressive.