Live! From The The Golfing Machine Summit

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quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

The significance is not "who didn't come", it is "who wasn't allowed to come". What's up with this "exclusivity" thing anyway? And what law says that only one guy can call a meeting of ANYONE who uses TGM as a teaching tool or just bought the book and reads it?

I hear ya- see Martin Luther and find a door. Here we come.



I have been studying TGM as a golf professional for a year and a half now. My study has taken me through Annikan Skywalker and Yodasluke(both screennames from your forum), and through them I have heard that you present the book with the best of them. I have also been on Manzella and your forums for over 6 months now and through some of my sources of information I have seen a negative view of what Joe Daniels is doing with TGM. I have never met Joe Daniels nor do I see anything happening with the TGM website, in fact I see the website getting worse since they took their forum off.
I write all this because my question to you is why don't you start a Lynn Blake Golf Certification Program?? and maybe your own AI meeting that's more affordable, open to all forum members etc..I would be interested in this if it ever came about, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
This is important to me becasue I would like to get certified in TGM here soon through one avenue or another, because I know it's a great and reliable source of reference for my teaching.

Sorting Through the Instructor's Textbook.

Brian Manzella

Lynn is certainly welcome to do just that—and, he probably will.

But—no offense—what would it be worth?

The Golfing Machine has a recognizeable name and some positives in golfdom.

A Brian Manzella certification or a Lynn Blake or a Chuck Evans' one, would ONLY mean anything if any of us were at—at least the Haney name recognition level.

I have always offered my expert teaching services to other TEACHERS, helping them to understand how to help all golfers.

I will continue to do that, just without any certification for now.

The Golfing Machine, LLC has a new web site coming on-line. Let's give them a chance and stop all this "Joe Blow for President" talk.

It is what it is—so I am going back to what I do: Trying to out TEACH everyone and out EXPLAIN everyone.


What is your opinion of the current Golfing Machine certification program. Is it worth going to get my G.S.E.B. or should I hold out for a year or so, with the changes(ed. 7 and new website) that i've heard rumored??
Also please note I have nothing against Joe Daniels, I have not met him so I can't talk bad about him, as far as his website I personally think it's gotten worse with the removal of the forum.

Sorting through the duffer's bible.

bray, I am like yourself, a teaching professional, i took the GSEB level1 class in October and it was worth every penny, I am back in February to take level 2, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to you. I also visited Chuck last year, which was so valuable, and I am off to see Lynn in May of next year, Brian if you are reading this, youre next, the title of AI certainly holds plenty of credit with those in the know. If you need any questions answered about the class bray, just contact me.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

I often feel the PGA is "All against one."

But, I pay my dues and show up.

I learned a lot on the pick-up fields and courts of New Orleans, and it all applies here:

Show up.

Even if you get picked last—play hard, so you never get picked last again.

There is a "house" everywhere and a "clique" everywhere, but if they let you in the game—even for a second—you can shut up a LOT of mouths.

Pay attention when you are on the sidelines.

Fight like HELL for "winners"—then hug after.

I certainly agree. Well said Brian. It is unfortunate that 'borders' prevent people from seeing that we are truly all in it together. We are all connected, and most certainly work better together than we do apart.


My summit update:
I was at the summit and even though the classes were fantastic, the dinner meetings and late evenings were the true highlights of my experience. Having dinner with such gentleman like Joe (my authorizing instructor), Brian and Ben was priceless. There is a vision for TGM and I believe it will be worth waiting for. There had to be a first before there could be a second summit and I expect more AI's and hopefully a public or media day will be added in the future. Brian, I'm still waiting for you to post your notes, since I just sat back and was entertained during your presentation.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
I cant believe all you nae sayers patting each other on the back and justifying your actions by using Homer's suppossed wishes as an excuse.

Lets face Ben Doyle is the real one who knew Homer the best and for for the longest and you dont see him trying to make a buck by linking himself and saying I was closest to Homer and I know what he wants. Wake up guys you are like a family fighting over a deceased estate. So sad!
quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

Lets face Ben Doyle is the real one who knew Homer the best and for for the longest and you dont see him trying to make a buck by linking himself and saying I was closest to Homer and I know what he wants.

I think there's the other side of the story between Homer and Ben that a lot of us don't know about, including me. Not all flowers and sunshine!

Brian Manzella

NOONE ever loved their Dad more than me.


After football practice—early in my high school career—we would argue for hours....and get this....we AGREED on the problem.

Mike Finney and I argue for PRACTICE, and I love him like a brother.

Ben Doyle and I have argued over what is open or closed at the top of the swing—20 times.

Let's all drop this....please!

I can tell you the future:

Chuck & Randy have found a way to make money—without using TGM or Homer out LOUD.

Lynn will further separate LBG© from TGM just like Mac did with MORAD.

Brian Manzella will continue to use Homer, TGM & Ben Doyle's name out loud and with any other restriction you wanna tack-on...

I'll still be way out in front.

I told (foretold) this to Joe Daniel and Danny a couple of years ago:

"If they know ANYTHING that I don't know, I'll go learn it. But they will NEVER come to learn what I know. So—they will NEVER catch me."

"Chuck & Randy have found a way to make money—without using TGM or Homer out LOUD."

By hooking up with the fraudulent MEDICUS co. You can swing a medicus by rotating the sweetspot around the hosel and not break down the joints.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

I told (foretold) this to Joe Daniel and Danny a couple of years ago:

"If they know ANYTHING that I don't know, I'll go learn it. But they will NEVER come to learn what I know. So—they will NEVER catch me."


Why will they never learn what you know?
Overall kind of a depressing thread, but there were some items that hold hope.

Here is wishing 2006 to be a bigger and better year...
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