My golfing dream is on the line

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How do you figure that?

Before I drove down to Florida in March I called Brian and asked if I could get a lesson in Louisville but he said he wouldn't be there 'til after the masters and then said he was shooting for Michigan in July.

If I get some time I will take some video today. I am hitting the ball better than I think I have ever hit it, my misses don't leave the sweet spot of the club it is usually a slightly open face but still on the sweetspot which is totally different from my old misses which would be out on the toe.

In a way Brian is as responsible for my swing change as my new instructor. My new instructor told me what I was doing wrong and we work on it at the range and then I go home to work on it. I then go to my video archives and look to see how Brian would fix the problem.

It will probably not be a total overhaul because when you have swung the club in a certain way for so many years it is hard to make drastic changes my swing will probably always have the same "look" to it. I just really needed to get a better pivot if I want to compete with it.
Here is a swing from today my pivot is looking better I don't let my hips get outside of my feet like I used to but I still need to work on folding that left arm properly on follow through.


As I see it.

Here is a swing from today my pivot is looking better I don't let my hips get outside of my feet like I used to but I still need to work on folding that left arm properly on follow through.

Some serious flippage going on there Matt, followed by a chicken winging left arm and lack of right arm straightening on the follow through.

The left arm problem will be cured once you straighten your right arm in the follow through.

I think your focus on perceived pivot improvement, going left quickly post impact, may be the cause of the non-extension of the right arm.

Hitting down, out and through to low point, not just through and up, should be your focus. Do this and your pivot will take care of itself.


These observations are my personal views but to you they could be priceless; or simply worth precisely what you are paying for them. :D
Some serious flippage going on there Matt, followed by a chicken winging left arm and lack of right arm straightening on the follow through.

The left arm problem will be cured once you straighten your right arm in the follow through.

I think your focus on perceived pivot improvement, going left quickly post impact, may be the cause of the non-extension of the right arm.

Hitting down, out and through to low point, not just through and up, should be your focus. Do this and your pivot will take care of itself.

Yes I know it looks kinda like a chicken wing and a flip but it really is not, its caused by a lack of arm rotation and not folding the left arm. If you look at just past impact the club is still straight with my left arm and if it was a flip it would be past my left arm but I agree it looks horrible. Here's a little better arm rotation but not much. CAUTION A DIFFERENT SWING

I have always struggled with rotating the arms.
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My opinion ...

I agree with burner. You need to learn to release that number 4 power accumulator by learning to shoot your arm's out of your shoulder sockets. I used to have the same problem and after I hit the ball my right arm never went across my chest to pull my body to the finish. In my defense, I was taught at an early age by a Jimmy Ballard method instructor. Swing connection was everything. I had plane problems. Went to Brian when he came into Ann Arbor, Mi and learned the proper sequencing. The pivot to me feels more efficient if that right arm gets straightened either by pivot power or by force across the shaft or by what I do now, both.

Hope that gives you some incite.
I guess I am a little confused, doesn't the club have to pass the hands to be a flip? The club and my left arm are in a straight line after impact. All this "ugly" stuff happens after impact so I don't even know if it effects my shots because I am hitting the ball very solid but I sure would like to fix it. I will listen to any suggestions.
Wheres the throw away?

It shows its ugly head in the follow through..where is it, aroound the last parallel in the DS. Honestly Matt it is so hard to learn how to pivot correctly over the internet. You need some hands on, like what you are getting now, but you need someone to force you in the correct positions for a while. Literally, grabbing you and putting you in the right spots. I think if you did "the toss" drill as Brian explains in SD it would help you understand the correct release of the power accumulators, etc. I have found that drill to be a great help in understanding extension and the PROPER release.
It shows its ugly head in the follow through..where is it, aroound the last parallel in the DS. Honestly Matt it is so hard to learn how to pivot correctly over the internet. You need some hands on, like what you are getting now, but you need someone to force you in the correct positions for a while. Literally, grabbing you and putting you in the right spots. I think if you did "the toss" drill as Brian explains in SD it would help you understand the correct release of the power accumulators, etc. I have found that drill to be a great help in understanding extension and the PROPER release.

Are you sure your not seeing a sweep release?

Edit: I am hitting 7 irons 175 to 180 yards, I can't imagine I have a ton of throw away?
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Are you sure your not seeing a sweep release?

Edit: I am hitting 7 irons 175 to 180 yards, I can't imagine I have a ton of throw away?

Im pretty sure...check out Johnny Miller. He was a little sweepy and look at his extension in the arms and openness in his body post impact. Maybe that will help you see it a little better.
Im pretty sure...check out Johnny Miller. He was a little sweepy and look at his extension in the arms and openness in his body post impact. Maybe that will help you see it a little better.

The swing academy site doesn't play the clips full speed and with no volume. I put it on youtube, you can hear how solid the ball is hit. [media][/media]
Okay. Different swing..different hat. If its so solid why do you need advice? You ask for all of internet land to look at your move and 3 different people see the same things..then you post a different swing with a little less of that move. Do you really want advice, or do you just want to tell us what you think and have everyone agree with you? Best of luck in the future.
Okay. Different swing..different hat. If its so solid why do you need advice? You ask for all of internet land to look at your move and 3 different people see the same things..then you post a different swing with a little less of that move. Do you really want advice, or do you just want to tell us what you think and have everyone agree with you? Best of luck in the future.

Apparently you have not read the whole thread if you had you would have seen I added a second video trying to rotate arms more hence the different hat so people would notice. I find it funny how a guy picks up golf less than a year ago all of a sudden becomes an expert...Because I don't like the looks of the follow through.
Apparently you have not read the whole thread if you had you would have seen I added a second video trying to rotate arms more hence the different hat so people would notice. I find it funny how a guy picks up golf less than a year ago all of a sudden becomes an expert...Because I don't like the looks of the follow through.

I have never claimed to be an expert, in fact if you read my signature you would find that I claim to be the exact opposite. I don't want to argue with you, it just doesn't matter that much to me. The beautiful thing about this site is that you can get many different perspectives from all types of people, from all walks of life, with different levels of experience and intellegence. You focus on the fact that I haven't been playing that long, so you immediately discard anything I say..poor you. I am not so arrogant to believe that I cannot learn from anyone, no matter what level of experience. The simple solution to your dilemma may be to contact Brian and pay for a lesson. As I said before..Best of luck.

You have a little BLIP in your motion just after impact.

You have to do one of these two:

1. Get your left shoulder further from the ball so your left arm can stay long, longer.


2. Rotate your left arm more, keeping your left elbow turning toward your rib cage.

From an earlier thread

This is what I am trying to fix, Brian has told me what to do but doing it is another thing. He said everything else looked good, so if Brian didn't see a flip then thats good enough for me. I am looking for suggestions on how to do one of these two things. I just seem to want to hold that face open and not rotate my left arm, its almost a mental block.

VJ, I don't want to argue with you either but remember sometimes you may be wrong too. All I want to do is fix my stinking ugly follow through, I am sorry if I offended you.
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I really don't feel like being attacked on this site and have a couple of you ruin it for me. Its the only site I enjoy. I ask you kindly not to do that. Thanks.

Your going to need to get a thick skin around here, if you make comments your going to get attacked, thats just this site, people have their opinions. I was attacked when I first got here for saying I thought you should hit up on the driver for better distance, wow did I get hard feelings "How about a Fresca".
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It's not an "attack", maybe you are just very very smart. Your first post was like on 1/26/09 and I think you didn't even have clubs yet. 2 days later you start making posts like this:

"I would think that would help messing around with different hinge actions might help. Make sure the blade is working properly for your stroke pattern. If you are a "straight back and straight through" king of guy, maybe you have too much reverse roll going through. If you "Arc it" maybe not enough "full roll" going through the ball. Basically, check how the shaft is working and move the head in the proper way to YOUR stroke.


Maybe you can explain.
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