My rusty swing

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It started to snow again so I thought I would go out and hit a few in the 20° weather. I am heading to Florida in less than 2 weeks; I am driving down from Michigan and thought I would check to see if I could pick up a lesson from Brian in Louisville but unfortunately he won't be there. So anybody want to comment on my swing, it was a seven iron that had a slight draw:

I don't start 3 inches behind the ball, the start of the swing somehow got cut out.
I don't know much about the swing, but I know what I like to look at. I would like to see you get behind the ball more..i.e. more aggressive step on the right foot in the backswing. Its what Im working on and it feels really powerful and I feel like I have tons of time to get down to the ball. Working for me...Now someone will probably totally shred what I just said. Oh well, Im learning.
I have always had the hold up product of playing a strong grip for years I had to hold it off or hook it off the planet, I'm working on weaking the grip but in the off season it likes to creep back the other way.

Brian Manzella

Swing Analysis.

Pretty good stuff.

Looks like a fade backswing, a Draw downswing, and a don't go left finish.

What shot to you hit? and What shot wold you like to hit?

Bronco Billy

New member
Your Pants are Too Long......

Nice Set Up, Posture, Grip.... You Square the Club Nicely on the BackSwing... You Have a very Nice Late(Correct Release) which must Generate Mucho ClubHead Speed.... You Appear to be on Plane and have Decent Balance... I'm Bettin you Break 80 more than Not.... The Only Thing Lacking is More Flexibility.... Which May or May Not be Correctable..... Have a Great Day....:)
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Nice Set Up, Posture, Grip.... You Square the Club Nicely on the BackSwing... You Have a very Nice Late(Correct Release) which must generate Mucho ClubHead Speed.... You Appear to be on Plane and have Decent Balance... I'm Bettin you Break 80 more than Not.... The Only Thing Lacking is more Flexibility.... Which May or Nay Not be Correctable..... Have a Great Day....:)

Maybe that's what Im seeing..a lack of flexibility in the shoulder turn.
I like to hit a small fade and small draw. Under pressure my fade works better for me, I think I get a bit tight and I can trust the fade more. I am trying to get more consistent, I have a little what I call a "pick up" move where I come out of my posture a tad and I occasionally get some thins. Also, do you think I should try to get more delay in my release? I don't feel like I get much of a float load in the transition. (I guess it is called float load)
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Brian Manzella

I like to hit a small fade and small draw. Under pressure my fade works better for me, I think I get a bit tight and I can trust the fade more. I am trying to get more consistent, I have a little what I call a "pick up" move where I come out of my posture a tad and I occasionally get some thins. Also, do you think I should try to get more delay in my release?

I'd keep your backswing, and have you make a fade downswing, and your delay is fine.

You are trying to hard to get to the inside of the ball from that backswing.

Bronco Billy

New member
Not to Butt In But....

I like to hit a small fade and small draw. Under pressure my fade works better for me, I think I get a bit tight and I can trust the fade more. I am trying to get more consistent, I have a little what I call a "pick up" move where I come out of my posture a tad and I occasionally get some thins. Also, do you think I should try to get more delay in my release?

To My Way of Thinking... The More the Delay the More the ClubHead Speed... But You Could Screw up what You Have if You Start to Manipulate your Body to Much Unless You Gain more Flexibility... If You are Getting Descent Distance Just leave it Alone and Play..... Weight Lifting is Taboo in Golf and Life..... Have a Good One....:)
Brian, thanks for looking at my swing. So basically you would have me doing more of a fade downswing, I assume that means to swing a little less inside or more left? Hopefully that Ann Arbor date will work for me.

I do need to work on flexibility. I got into weight lifting after high school, I was looking to bulk up some, I had dreams of playing D1 football at the safety position. A serious car wreck ended those dreams but I was left with some big arms and shoulders. I should have been stretching when I was lifting. I need to find a good stretching routine and loosen up the lats.(any suggestions) I just switched my dream of football to golf, I am just one of those obsessive compulsive people who needs to have a dream to be the best at something. In reality I know that’s probably not possible but in my head it’s a different story. It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t OCD but I am sure there are others on this board who are a lot like me.

My swing speed with a driver is close to 110 mph, I know that’s not bad but I just don’t want to leave any available speed on the table. Some of the tourneys I play in are 7100+ and all the distance you can get is a real benefit.

Bronco Billy

New member
Anything Aerobic will Lengthen and Loosen Your Muscles..

Brian, thanks for looking at my swing. So basically you would have me doing more of a fade downswing, I assume that means to swing a little less inside or more left? Hopefully that Ann Arbor date will work for me.

I do need to work on flexibility. I got into weight lifting after high school, I was looking to bulk up some, I had dreams of playing D1 football at the safety position. A serious car wreck ended those dreams but I was left with some big arms and shoulders. I should have been stretching when I was lifting. I need to find a good stretching routine and loosen up the lats.(any suggestions) I just switched my dream of football to golf, I am just one of those obsessive compulsive people who needs to have a dream to be the best at something. In reality I know that’s probably not possible but in my head it’s a different story. It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t OCD but I am sure there are others on this board who are a lot like me.

My swing speed with a driver is close to 110 mph, I know that’s not bad but I just don’t want to leave any available speed on the table. Some of the tourneys I play in are 7100+ and all the distance you can get is a real benefit.

Your Muscle are Short and Tight.... Stretching is a Short Term fix and Not Long Lasting.... Running, UpWrong Cycling, Recumbent Cycling, etc will long Term Loosen and Lengthen your Muscles... I would Ride a stationary Recumbent Bike and Hour a Day in the Winter and Whatever in the Summer...I Think You should Change Your Body and Not Your Swing...Have a Great Day....:)

Bronco Billy

New member
I Don't Believe it Either... I Have No Idea why I Posted It???

I no longer believe this.

I think that it's more about momentum transfer. I brake with my pivot and my upper left arm, while allowing my forearm to viciously supinate as the clubhead is flung. Look left!

I Am BackSwing Oriented.... I Believe the DownSwing is Automatic when the Club is Squared During the BackSwing as Matt Does... Watch How Matt's Club Face Closes to Square from the Get Go.... Hell at Hip Height his Club Face is Square and his Wrists are Set... Ie. At this Point He is Loaded for Bear and Proceeds to H*t the Shit Out of It..... Have a Great Day....:)

How serious a car wreck and was there any damage to your spine? If one part of your spine was injured/strained etc then it still may not be rotating like it should. See a PT or Chiropractor who plays golf. If part of the spine is not rotating as well as it could then it will hamper any stretching program.
It looks like your upper spine turns OK but your lower thoracic, upper lumbar and left shoulder capsule are tight. However, I would have to work with you to know for sure.

Your Muscle are Short and Tight.... Stretching is a Short Term fix and Not Long Lasting.... Running, UpWrong Cycling, Recumbent Cycling, etc will long Term Loosen and Lengthen your Muscles... I would Ride a stationary Recumbent Bike and Hour a Day in the Winter and Whatever in the Summer...I Think You should Change Your Body and Not Your Swing...Have a Great Day....:)

Stretching can be part of a good program but just part of the program. I also disagree about the recumbent bicycle for an hour a day. At least if I understand that you would like to do it exclusively. I like the recumbent fine but it should be mixed with other activities.
Weight lifting is not taboo but it depends on what you do. There are many, many different ways to lift.
Good call George, I have lower back problems and hip. I have a bad left shoulder, rotator cuff. I have no clue where to find a PT that would know how to get things fixed in Michigan.
Here is a good start
Active Release Techniques® - Provider Search

Most of these are chiropractors but I know the training for ART. Otherwise, talk to some friends to see who they might recommend. Any orthopedic PT would be good. If you have pain/limitations in the areas you mentioned (hips/low back and shoulder) :eek: then I promise your golf swing will not be what it could be until these are addressed.

Google "Physical therapist" and your city.

Bronco Billy

New member
You Don't Need a PT or Chiropractor... You Need an Orthopedic Surgeon Or...

Good call George, I have lower back problems and hip. I have a bad left shoulder, rotator cuff. I have no clue where to find a PT that would know how to get things fixed in Michigan.
Learn to Live With Your Unfortunate Problems... Best of Luck to You...:)
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Learn to Live With Your Unfortunate Problems... Best of Luck to You...:)

Does one response to this?
Bronco, I'm Sorry you seem to have a jaded view of anyone but an orthopedic surgeon. Certainly there are times when a surgeon is needed but many injuries can be fixed or greatly improved without a knife. I see it everyday. To say that someone with an injury should either:
1- Get cut or
2- Live with it

leaves out a world, a world of help.
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