My rusty swing

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Bronco Billy

New member
Sorry... I Didn't Mean to Piss You Off.....

Does one response to this?
Bronco, I'm Sorry you seem to have a jaded view of anyone but an orthopedic surgeon. Certainly there are times when a surgeon is needed but many injuries can be fixed or greatly improved without a knife. I see it everyday. To say that someone with an injury should either:
1- Get cut or
2- Live with it

leaves out a world, a world of help.

I Knew a Guy that Looked Exactly like Your Avatar... He Was One Hell of a Soccer Player.....:)
Bad shoulders are often the result of bad posture. Do you sit at a desk a lot?

The shoulder injury was actually a skiing injury. Early twenties and seen a bunch of guys hitting this jump and doing helicopters, backscratchers ect. I thought I can do that, wrong. I lit on my shoulder from I don't know how high. At the time I had no medical insurance so I didn't go to the doctor, I couldn't lift my arm for 2 weeks. I went a couple of years later because of reoccurring pain and he gave me some exercises to strengthen my rotator cuff, I still have grinding in my left shoulder.

Bronco Billy

New member
By Brake Do You Mean Slow Down in Order for a Release to Occur?

I no longer believe this.

I think that it's more about momentum transfer. I brake with my pivot and my upper left arm, while allowing my forearm to viciously supinate as the clubhead is flung. Look left!

Also Do You Believe Braking is a Necessary Condition for a Release to Occur for all Golfers Including Iron Byron? Thanks... Have a Great Day...:)

Bronco Billy

New member
I Might Be an Idiot... But I Just Don't Get It the Joke or "Cleverness" ....

epic ownage-now that was classic:)

SomeOne Want to Explain it to Me? Is He Saying I Ride A Girls Trike/Bike? or Am Acting Like a Girl or etc... I am a Feminist... And I've been Told buy Several Women that I Do Have Nice Looking Legs....The Reality is there are a Hell of a lot of Terrific Looking Women on Bike Trails out There Riding Bikes/Trikes... In any Event Who Gives a Shit.... Have a Great Day....:)
most likely

SomeOne Want to Explain it to Me? Is He Saying I Ride A Girls Trike/Bike? or Am Acting Like a Girl or etc... I am a Feminist... And I've been Told buy Several Women that I Do Have Nice Looking Legs....The Reality is there are a Hell of a lot of Terrific Looking Women on Bike Trails out There Riding Bikes/Trikes... In any Event Who Gives a Shit.... Have a Great Day....:)

wow, never thought id see the day BB loses his composure. this might be the end of his great days.
SomeOne Want to Explain it to Me? Is He Saying I Ride A Girls Trike/Bike? or Am Acting Like a Girl or etc... I am a Feminist... And I've been Told buy Several Women that I Do Have Nice Looking Legs....The Reality is there are a Hell of a lot of Terrific Looking Women on Bike Trails out There Riding Bikes/Trikes... In any Event Who Gives a Shit.... Have a Great Day....:)

Yeah nice legs...kinda like Iron Byron has nice legs...:confused::eek:;)

Wait Iron Byron can't ride a bike...never mind.

Bronco Billy

New member
Not Really....I've Been Called a Lot of Things But Never a Sissy..

wow, never thought id see the day BB loses his composure. this might be the end of his great days.

Actually I Rather Enjoyed It..... I Just Wonder if the Guy who I Guess is a PT considers All Bikers to be Sissys... All Trikers to be Sissys... Or that I'm just a Sissy Independent of the Biker/Triker Thing....Whatever... Have a Great Day...:)
Actually I Rather Enjoyed It..... I Just Wonder if the Guy who I Guess is a PT considers All Bikers to be Sissys... All Trikers to be Sissys... Or that I'm just a Sissy Independent of the Biker/Triker Thing....Whatever... Have a Great Day...:)

No Sissys here BB. Course I haven't see what you wear when you ride your bike. :eek:

Bronco Billy

New member
Me and My Dog......

No Sissys here BB. Course I haven't see what you wear when you ride your bike. :eek:
What were we talking about?


Anyone who was in a serious car wreck and has any lingering problems would benefit from seeing a professional to specifically work on the injured areas. Not just give them a few generic things to do. Would it be more beneficial to work with Brian or read an article in golf digest and do some drills? This may save you years of fiddling around not to mention future problems. Any orthopedic issues will affect your consistency.
Also Do You Believe Braking is a Necessary Condition for a Release to Occur for all Golfers Including Iron Byron? Thanks... Have a Great Day...:)

YES YES YES ------ But not iron byron (machine) constant brake.
Apply the following to the golf swing!

Here's the wind up!

Here's the brake!

Here's the release!

Have a wonderful day!
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Guitar Hero

New member

That looks cool!

I like the stripe on the seat. I want one just like it. I am going to stop by the factory this week if they are still there and order one. There are many paved trails here in central Florida to ride on and I have been wanting to get rid of my mountain bike. This is the answer.

Bronco Billy

New member
Give Them a Call Today... Special Sale Only Thru Feb.. Also They Sell Thru Dealers..

That looks cool!

I like the stripe on the seat. I want one just like it. I am going to stop by the factory this week if they are still there and order one. There are many paved trails here in central Florida to ride on and I have been wanting to get rid of my mountain bike. This is the answer.
Good Luck on Your Quest...The Speed With a Striped Seat and Mango is My Choice...:)
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