New Free Video: My Whirlwind Week in Florida, Part 1

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Bump and a query please?

Just a thought to add
low point, in relation to the ground, and point at which the club is furthest away from your body, are two separate places

Brian , in your latest video ( RFT ) you referenced the whirlwind video so i thought i would review it ...

Found that Shootin4par had made this comment... is it right?

My assumption up until now was that the low point of the clubhead orbit defined the point where :-

before low point = the clubhead moves down, out and forward

after low point = the clubhead moves up and in and forward.

ie. the low point (re. ground ) is the same spot as futhest away from your body ( because it moves inwards immediately afterwards...)

Can somebody clarify please


is part 2 ready ... you were in middle of telling us about what Bombsquad stats show about hitting up on driver for distance and then.... it runs out...

it sounds like the best was yet to come...

I enjoyed your Florida review video, especially your discussion on Hands Control Pivot and Body Control Pivot.

You mention Ernest Jones and Manuel DeLatore (sp).
I would like to know what you think about DeLatores technique of swinging the club head back with your hands and swinging the entire club shaft on the downswing with you arms and he defines arms as from the shoulders to the elbow?

I also would like to know your opinion of the technique that John Redman teaches on the lag away technique of swinging the club (His Book was Essentials of the Golf Swing). Thank you

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