Birly, the "new" move looks a lot more balanced to me. The first swing looks as though you have a contrived "low point." Keep up the good work.
@ birly-shirly .... are you attempting to raise the hand coupling point relative to the ground with a 7-iron through impact?
Birly, the "new" move looks a lot more balanced to me. The first swing looks as though you have a contrived "low point." Keep up the good work.
Thanks Martin. Your comment on the first swing is absolutely bang on the mark. At that point, all I was doing and all I was monitoring was trying to create a low point (a) forward of the ball; and (b) enough in the ground to not thin it. Right now, I'm liking the new move as a different way to skin the same cat.
That was my old swing too Birly. Trouble getting the hand path lower at the right thigh is also my problem and I think the old swing is part of the reason. A lower hand path at the right thigh just does not fit with getting the low point forward of the ball. My body screams "chunk". Only solution is to go normal I guess.