He would probably say where he was aiming it and what shot he was playing as opposed to something inciteful about his mechanics.
Years ago, I was working with a fantastic swing coach who, at the time, had 3 players in the top 20 in the world.
In the middle of one of our sessions I said "coach, will I ever just be able to aim at a target and swing without trying to do something with my swing mechanically?". He said, "everyone (on tour) is trying to do something with every shot, whether it's as simple as holding the face open, controlling their swing path or a rhythm thought".
I think we all are "trying" to do something with every swing mechanically. I also think that it can "seem" as though we are just swinging without thought because the mechanical thought process takes on a quieter voice, but it's still there.
Many players don't want to have others think they "have" to be mechanical. It's an ego thing. It's like James Dean, I guarantee that dude had a thought process around how to be cool.