What is the deviation of each hand at impact - radial deviation, ulnar deviation, or no deviation? Is there an optimum? What is sub-optimum? What is totally wrong?
What do the wrists, hands, forearms, and shoulders have to do to get the hands into the optimum deviations; into completely wrong deviations?
Have tried to figure this out on the range with no success.
Tumble and it's timing is all in the application of the forces and torques applied on and by the arms and hands to achieve all those "deviations".
Some are now claiming they have achieved a continuous "feeel" of the downswing, but are still unable to define what forces they are applying. It's a case of "feedback" feel versus "feedforward" forces. Feeel is useless unless you know what you did to achieve those "feeels". Seems like most are still stuck in their feeel and can't understand the physics. Oh, well ....