BLOG: TGM based vs. TGM educated vs. Non-TGM educated Instructors - by Brian Manzella
People ask me all the time to recommend a teacher when I do not have a Manzella Academy Instructor in their area.
I have ten Manzella Academy Instructors, and I have about ten other guys that I would recommend.
Beyond that, there are the folks that came to GTE and passed their basic test, who I know for a fact, know something about golf.
Let's say half of those folks are very good teachers.
There are probably another dozen or so folks I know of, that can teach a lick.
That's it.
Fifty or so really good teachers to my knowledge, and folks, to be brutally honest, I am stretching the term "really good teacher" to the very limit.
I have been in the golf business over 30 years, and I have taught for 27. I started going to see world-class instructors when I started with Ben Doyle in 1987, and I am among only a a handful of gluttons-for-punishment that have attended every National PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit, and the only person on earth to attend all of those, all of the TGM summits, the three MIT summits, and both National AMF Summits.
I have heard dozens of supposedly "world-class" teachers talk about the golf swing and teaching it to folks, and I've seen 30+ of the "top 100" teach live.
During all that time and travel, I have seen way more "name" teachers who are downright poor, than I have seen that are pretty good.
And, I'll say the same for those who were just talking about it. More media created empty suits than those filled with useful information.
If that offends someone, I am really sorry. I got in this business to be the best, and the only reason I go out of town to watch and listen is to learn something.
But, I've done way too little of that at these venues.
I have no problem with saying a heated competitor is good at what they do, and I do it all the time.
So what is a golfer to do?
Well, if you study the golf swing, and you are not living under a rock, you will stumble on The Golfing Machine. You will also stumble on Search for the Perfect Swing, and The Physics of Golf.
And you don't have to dig too far to run into the D-Plane, and all the great ball-flight information supplied by the TrackMan folks.
There is much to be learned from all three.
More total useful information in The Golfing Machine. More accurate science in The Physics of Golf. Better reading material in Search for the Perfect Swing. Better ball-flight information from TrackMan.
So, you might think that folks who have studied all four sources would know more than those who haven't.
They might.
But that doesn't mean they can TEACH better.
Someone who is a TGM Authorized Instructor and has studied all the above should be smarter yet. Right?
That doesn't guarantee at thing about their actual TEACHING ABILTY either.
Some AI's can teach really well. Some, not so well.
Some GTE test passers can, some can't.
Some with red hair are really good, others, not so much.
Teaching is an art, and a science.
It requires communication skills, psychology, intelligence, experience, and a great eye.
It requires the ability to change approaches on the run, and adapt to weather, noise, personalities, wind conditions, etc.
There is no place on earth to learn to do all of that.
And if there was, you STILL might only have a decent instructor at the end of the program.
And that is the facts, Jack.