Weiden and Kennedy have long been the people behind the Nike co. and their advertising and there is a reason why..they get people talking and get people worked up. If you don't understand why it's brilliant..That's why. You are participating in the discussion and you are helping create the "controversy", which of course is what they want. Thus the commercial. People that have never watched golf before Thursday, watched golf. Just to see his reaction and how he played. In the end..Nike will win and sell alot of product this weekend and over the next few weeks, months and years especially if he wins. People don't really care what certain athletes do off the field of play, especially if they win. People love winners.. Need proof? Remember Kobe Bryant cheating on his wife? Yeah, guess who has the top selling jersey in the NBA for the last 2 years, you guessed it Kobe. Alot of kids and fathers wear that jersey. Eventually people forget and forgive. If this ad is the result of more people that are non golfers being reached, which I believe is their thinking, then they have accomplished their goal.