Just listened to GMac talking about how he hits it with his body rotation. If he wants to hit it further he speeds up his body rotation. I'd love to get to the bottom of this pivot mystery, but if I did, I'd be the first. I think EVERYONE is confused on this issue. So, BMan and Co, there's the holy grail, no?
From what I understand the sensation of turning hard (or swing hard through the ball) can only happen once the majority of the weight is on the left side - specifically the left hip has just nudged over the left ankle and the left foot has started to roll toward the target. From here the clubhead is already well on it's way down to the ball and hands are probably over the right thigh.
Naturally you can run into lots of problems when you are too quick from the top. Since the weight hasn't been shifted the shoulders and torso sort of spin together, but the hips back up (we used to call this the 'sit and spin' pivot). I think when the great players are describing what the 'late hit' feels like is the sensation that they have gradually settled into the left side and the power is poured on rather late into the downswing.
There was tournament not long ago where Tiger was teeing off and above him a bird flew over and it's shadow went right across the ball. Tiger's hands were nearly waist high and he was still able to stop swinging and then re-start his routine. I found that to be rather amazing because if I, and probably most other chompers, attempted this we'd have no way of slowing down. Clearly Tiger was going to apply maximum effort much, much later compared to a much poorer player, such as myself.
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