To be clear, I haven't mentioned Nesbit. That might be someone else.
Yes... you did.
I do question the premise that optimizing effort has to lead to the most advanced club head speed. I see the premise in play all the time. However, one can optimize for other factors, even say, accuracy, or perhaps some complex thing like ballspeed/erg or kwh...but the goals are set by individuals. So, for the present, for the case of someone who WANTS to have the most clubhead speed while decelerating the hands, I wonder what mathematics would yield to help them with the process.
I'm not against optimizing accuracy. That's critical but ballspeed is clubhead speed. They're synonymous. Kwh? Power? I that's married to efficiency which is exaclty what I'm taking about. Max club head speed minimum effort.
mandrin believes in some yin-yang hand slowing yeilding more from less nonsense. From what I gather he thinks hand torque at some point changes direction... positive becomes negative, more equals less (it doesn't). I believe in in preserving lag while building hand speed through optimizing hand path culminating in an explosive unleashing into impact. i.e. Maximizing both hand speed and and angular velocity. Better players put 80% of their effort in the last stage of the downswing (don't ask me to site the source, I just remember reading it).
Math can answer your question and its not a very difficult problem either... just a task... drudgery. Last year I told readers of this forum exactly how to do it. Have you got Microsoft excel?