First, you may be better off looking at your swing face-on as you are doing it. Focus only on the waist down for now. The right arm leading the downswing is mostly a matter of the shoulders not starting down at the same time as the lower body. You are missing the element of letting the arms move more vertically to start the downswing rather than out toward the ball. Watch any youtube video of sergio garcia and notice his arms drop vertically before they rotate horizontally with the shoulder rotation.
Watch this video until you see that the last 5 seconds (back view) are basically a starting definition of the Run Up. It is almost like you are dropping your weight on your left leg before the hip rotation begins. Don't let the head move as far left with everything else. Avoid the stack and tilt type move.
YouTube - Ben Hogan Final MIssing Piece
Alrighty, so even tho it is better than I was before. I do see how I still need to work on it. It has only been a few weeks so I do not expect anything crazy. So for the next few days I will work on dropping that weight to the left leg, and than rotation of the hips. I won't worry so much about the upper body like you said for now.
When I worked on this today, it almost felt as tho the run up was like trying to sit my left hip on a fence and leave my weight there? Does that make any sense? I got the feeling at least that I was sitting down into the hell of the left foot. Which I assume is what I should feel?
..counterfall, your not going to be mailing me a check anytime soon are you? Hehe, Thank you again for all the help!