Push Shot ...what to fix first?

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Good question id like to here Brians answer...
I will venture a guess and say my path is fairly nuetral so with the open face that Brian has pointed out my tendency at times if I dont stay on that path and save it at the bottom , would be to spin open and get the shaft a hair steep to try and square the face.
Yeah, and, in all honesty, it really comes down to the specifics of your ballflight. If your pushes are actually slight push-fades, then your path may be very neutral. If your pushes are starting 6 degrees to the right and staying on that line, then the path is in-to-out 6 degrees, and would likely need adjustment.

But, Brian's the man, so I'm interested to hear his side.
YouTube - s 2 s Solid Strike Swing 11 29 2010 11 48 50AM
Sorry for the bad quality (lighting issues.)
This is working on "twisting the shaft about itself".

I think the hardest part of this for me is to make sure that the shaft does not steepen when I do this.
It feels like the shaft is getting real steep but as you can see its really not.
As I worked on this I start to realize that for me In the past have re routed the club on to a (flatter) actually nuetral downswing plane by opening the face (as Brian kindly pointed out.) I would then have to save it at the bottom.
When I get playing poorly if I didnt save it I would start to spin open and get the shaft steep hitting poor tee shots.

Ball flight with this was either pull draw or a draw. Which for me brings a smile to my face, because I can fix that pull draw with no worries.:)

Let me know what you guys think.
YouTube - s 2 s Solid Strike Swing 11 29 2010 11 48 50AM
Sorry for the bad quality (lighting issues.)
This is working on "twisting the shaft about itself".

I think the hardest part of this for me is to make sure that the shaft does not steepen when I do this.
It feels like the shaft is getting real steep but as you can see its really not.
As I worked on this I start to realize that for me In the past have re routed the club on to a (flatter) actually nuetral downswing plane by opening the face (as Brian kindly pointed out.) I would then have to save it at the bottom.
When I get playing poorly if I didnt save it I would start to spin open and get the shaft steep hitting poor tee shots.

Ball flight with this was either pull draw or a draw. Which for me brings a smile to my face, because I can fix that pull draw with no worries.:)

Let me know what you guys think.

I think it looks better.
So I have a question about the 2by4 drill where you place it just outside the club on the target line? Since 'twisting the shaft about itself" which I like ALOT I can pretty much draw every shot If I want to. My swing would miss the 2by4 however the ball still starts well left of target(Im lefty) (How?) and now if I "twist" I draw it back in.Occasionally I will start it straight and hit a pull draw. My guess im steep early shallow late and then exit right quickly? Love to hear other thoughts on whats happening.
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I am a little late to this party, but I was curious to know why you don't just aim it left? At least a push has a workable relationship between the path and the face, right?
I am familiar with the syndrome! :eek: This is precisely why I agree with the proprieter that "zeroing out" is not only doable but to be recommended in certain cases. Like many half-decent players I get under the plane. It did not help that I did not know to keep the face open to the target but closed to the path. Duh! Still for whatever reason it appears to be easier for me to match the face with the in to out path and then just rotate the whole enchilada left! On occasion the face is a little open (push-fade) and no and then a wee bit closed (smidge of a pull-draw) In either case my shot dispersion pattern is tighter. I guess like many that have been brain damaged by hooks and pull-hooks I've been looking for an anti-hook device of some sort. True exchange the last time I played after hitting a tasty iron to about 5 ft. "Geez do you know how left you were aiming?" My response "Sshhhh, don't tell the ball, or the flagstick!" I still love to hit a two iron. My favorite shot is higher pushy-hooky runner that goes forever! But nowadays I can almost thread a needle with a blocky-aimy lefty 2 iron. I simply did not know how to aim my swing for 20 years!
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