Ringer,On page 36 of TGM...
"club head velocity is developed by Thrust. This Thrust may be Muscular Force and/or Centrifugal Force."
Do you agree with this statement? If not, which part?
Ringer,I suspected as much.
Anything else you disagree with about it?
Let me just say that HK should have just published TGM without including the science. However it is such an extraordinary intricate network of forward and backward references that it can’t be edited appropriately. It should be left as such. Considering the context it still remains a surprising endeavor and a great contribution to golf knowledge.
neil--Bad reading comprehension on your part. "It is not either one or the other, as always both exist together." Does that answer your question?
Ringer,I'm surprised someone that is so incredibly nit-picky about the science of any of my other posts wouldn't have been smart enough to mention how centrifugal force doesn't exist at all.
So much for the great all knowing Mandrin.
Ringer,From a website which has been cited here SEVERAL times..
And of course anyone that wants to can just type "centrifugal fictitious force" and see allllll the scientific evidence. But I guess I'm the crazy one.
I have a question.
The book was given to MIT by G. Wiren with the task to find what was wrong/incorrect with it.
They did return it back with the comment that there was NOTHING scientifycally incorrect with Homers findings.
And then I read all your good posts and get confused.....
Did MIT not get the job done....?
I have heard Homer say that his findings may not be exakt/precise but well within the range to get approved.( I dont recall his exact words on this, hope you understand what I mean)