Mechanical –Thrust against an Axe Handle can produce a centered motion. Against a Rope it cannot.
Golf – The continuous thrust against the Clubshaft moves the Clubhead radially. (The Axe Handle procedure.)
The initial Thrust accelerating the Clubshaft longitudinally is the Rope Handle procedure.
1–H..... And the dictionary is usually considered a standard of precision.
If one looks up the meaning of radial in a dictionary one will find typically:
1- made in the direction of a radius; going from the center outward or from the circumference inward along a radius.
2- acting along or in the direction of the radius of a circle; radial motion; radial velocity.
Considering the definition of radial in the dictionary what did HK have in mind when he defined radial motion to occur, for the clubhead, using the Axe Handle procedure?
Mechanical –Thrust against an Axe Handle can produce a centered motion. Against a Rope it cannot.
Golf – The continuous thrust against the Clubshaft moves the Clubhead radially. (The Axe Handle procedure.)
The initial Thrust accelerating the Clubshaft longitudinally is the Rope Handle procedure.
1–H..... And the dictionary is usually considered a standard of precision.
If one looks up the meaning of radial in a dictionary one will find typically:
1- made in the direction of a radius; going from the center outward or from the circumference inward along a radius.
2- acting along or in the direction of the radius of a circle; radial motion; radial velocity.
Considering the definition of radial in the dictionary what did HK have in mind when he defined radial motion to occur, for the clubhead, using the Axe Handle procedure?