reactions and verdicts on the new release so far

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There should be a sticky thread for Manzella-inspired tournament victories - won a comp at a very windy links course on Monday.

Drove the ball great using the new release - amazed by the distance.

The only negative is that the shanks struck on one hole. Had two in a row; don't think the guys behind could believe I won the comp. Also hit some short irons a touch heavy during the round.

I have some ideas on why. First, I reckon that when aiming way right of a green (for wind) on the par three, I did not get set up properly and swung a 7i inside out. Probably also let the set up get a little bit loose elsewhere and had weight going to toes. May also have had the ball a bit too far forward......

Would there be any merit in setting the wrists earlier in the BS or something like that?

Overall, not quite as confident with short irons using the new release. Reckon it will come in time - but any advice to speed that along would be appreciated.

Quick steer to fix this minor problem.........


Would there be any merit in setting the wrists earlier in the BS or something like that?

I'm pretty sure Kevin mentioned before that if you don't get your wrists set early enough it can cause you to tug (not sure why though)

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I'm pretty sure Kevin mentioned before that if you don't get your wrists set early enough it can cause you to tug (not sure why though)

Think of how you would move a fishing rod or a whip. You'd delay the wristcock until transition, feels good but can cause some serious problems. An LCT is a great way to learn how to turn but you have to accept the weight into your hand earlier than the transition if you don't want some of the issues some of us are experiencing regarding tugging
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