Is it possible that your stuff goes a little too deeply into the nuts and bolts for most members
I'm sure your contributions here have been much appreciated by most members, but I have a feeling that the general population is only interested in hearing the bare basics, just enough to understand what they should be doing to create a functional golf swing.
You don't need to know, or even understand, how a car engine functions in order to be able to drive one. Just explain what levers and peddles to push and how to steer.
It seems to me that your presentations, for the most part, are too much like a treasure hunt and most of us just want to know how to find the treasure without performing a search.
It is interesting to note that a subject really attracting attention and getting many to participate is stuff about food and diets. Is this also related to hunting for the treasure without performing a search or is it perhaps more an indication of the average waistline of the members. Perhaps exercising both muscles and neurons would facilitate their search for an easy road to golf heaven.