right elbow position

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I have been working hard over the last 30 years on my swing and especially contact. I play to a 8 handicap so I am not a chop. I have always had periods of solid contact and then periods of fat shots. Over the years I have noticed that my right elbow tends to not get in front of my rib cage enough on the downswing which seem to cause a stuck position then slight flip. I sometimes get it about to the hip but I have noticed when I go bad my body positions seem ok but my elbow is about 3 inches behind where it should be from a face on angle. giving a little flip that has been managed by timing.
" I am one of those guys people say "swing looks good, but don't get the results."
about 8 years ago I had 2 lessons with Jim Mclean where he had me put my left hand behind my right elbow to feel where my club should go(he didn't explain why) I am thinking this was to keep the elbow out in front of me and not "sliding" about 3 inches back in my backswing.
I know video would be helpfull and I will get some (I have been on the IR with a torn labrum). I just started swinging again this week.
any ideas on how to cure this issue would be appreciated.
I have tried with some limited success putting a little balled up paper towel high up under my right armpit to keep it squeezing slightly against my side.

found a video from June

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Stay backturned longer into the transition but make sure you get some pressure put into the left foot before you unwind and feel like the hands go down before they go forward.

I really think that the 3 inch slide of my elbow backward on the backswing is killing my ability to be consistent. If I could cure it I would be ecstatic!
I have been toying around with a feeling of the butt end of the grip going straight down as I start to pivot forward.
this problem has been plaguing me for decades. it is easier to write about than to fix.
More Pitch Elbow

Try keeping the elbows together after transition. Lower arms somewhat parallel. Also try to keep the right hand facing away from you for as long as possible. In a lesson with Ben Doyle, who loves the pitch elbow, he use to put his arm over my left elbow and under the right elbow to force me into a strong pitch position. Getting there, if you are not use to it, is uncomfortable.


I think you need or could benefit from some twistaway and some tumble as your too underneath it and lag the hosel too long and the club approaches too shallow. You can trap the ball and get better compression and your right wrist/ elbow will be in a better position if you twistaway just before you start the d.s. just my 2 cents.
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I had elbow surgery on my left elbow last november and I have a type 2 slap tear in my left shoulder that I am probably going to have operated on this november.....don't pass 40 it's a bitch!
I think you need or could benefit from some twistaway and some tumble as your too underneath it and lag the hosel too long and the club approaches too shallow. You can trap the ball and get better compression and your right wrist/ elbow will be in a better position if you twistaway just before you start the d.s. just my 2 cents.

I too would like to figure out how to get into a better impact position, especially with the right arm in a better position, because my biggest miss is fat shots right now. I think greenfree's suggestion is the root of my issues and is worth trying.
I had elbow surgery on my left elbow last november and I have a type 2 slap tear in my left shoulder that I am probably going to have operated on this november.....don't pass 40 it's a bitch!

I'm there by 3 yrs! yep, it's going down hill quick!!

I should have asked about the injury before offering up my advice.
I'm no MD but I would take it easy on the changes for a while.

I know when I unwind too quick from the top and try to get the hands down I notice more pull on my left shoulder and upper arm.

I agree, if I try to increase wrist cocking on the downswing the pain is severe. I have a device called the impact snap which was developed by Kelvin Miyahira who invented the speed chain. It creates a position like twistaway. I think though, that if I could fix the elbow position and get more of a pitch elbow I could strike the ball more consistantly without putting more strain on my arm and shoulder.
still hoping a GTE guy will give some feedback.
Just curious, how would a 3 inch backward movement of the right elbow cause a swing issue? In the video you have a nice float loading take-away which enhances the elbow moving laterally. Brian has a great video on the flying elbow, he talks of it getting high and wide. I watched Carl Petterson yesterday get that elbow up high and wide and he pounds the ball. Not a criticism, I am curious as to why it is an issue.
You have a nice looking move. I would shorten your backswing a hair, you come up a bit out of your "squat" at the very top of your backswing (probably because of body limitations) and never get back down. I think if you just shortened up your swing everything else would fall into place. If your going to keep the long backswing you have to get back "down" before you start unwinding other wise that puts everything above plane and you wind up tilting to get backdown and flipping or sliding through the ball...I would go out and hit what feels like 1/2 to 3/4 swings and see what that does to your ball striking.

Watch what your hips do at the time interval just before 7 seconds.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

you have a very flat shoulder turn, this gets the club very deep however can also create trouble by getting too "in" and thus creating a too in/out swing which in a lot of cases leads to fat shots.

Have you ever tried swinging with a bit more of steeper shoulder turn to keep the hands/club/arms from getting too deep?
I have messed with a steeper swing, however I am 5'5" so getting a bit steeper is a challange when you are naturally as close to the ground as I am :D but I am building a list of stuff to try!
Just curious, how would a 3 inch backward movement of the right elbow cause a swing issue? In the video you have a nice float loading take-away which enhances the elbow moving laterally. Brian has a great video on the flying elbow, he talks of it getting high and wide. I watched Carl Petterson yesterday get that elbow up high and wide and he pounds the ball. Not a criticism, I am curious as to why it is an issue.

it seems that as it slides back to my side I don't create the "pitch" so when I start down the elbow doesn't seem to lead and get stuck behind me chasing and I get more of a push than a pitch elbow.
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