right elbow position

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Alan is a character, not long but by no means a short hitter. on this day he hit at least 2 drives 300 yards. He is good friends with my best friend so I have gotten to know him and play a little with him. it is pretty cool for a guy like me to get to play with people of his skill level.
here is an iron down the line and a face on driver.


Thanks. This just struck my eye as a fairly simple pattern. The way he achieves his axis tilt may be a bit extreme, but it illustrates very well the movement(s) needed to get the tilt. Like you mentioned earlier, seeing him get to the pitch elbow is also a nice illustration. I think a huge key is the down arching of the left wrist on the downswing, so the club face is squared up into impact.

I think this pattern has a lot of elements that I can implement easily into my swing pattern.
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It seems that better ballstrikers tend to have a pitch elbow at impact. I wonder if you can still have a pitch elbow with a shoulder plane?

Stay backturned longer into the transition but make sure you get some pressure put into the left foot before you unwind and feel like the hands go down before they go forward.


I like this, I can used this information for my swing.
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