I point the chin down to help me swing my shoulders on a steeper plane. The downward tilt of my neck is on purpose..........
If he got further away from the ball wouldn't he stand up less?
I point the chin down to help me swing my shoulders on a steeper plane. The downward tilt of my neck is on purpose..........
Here's my line of thinking.
I'm 6'4" tall and suffer from the issue of my neck tilting downward except I don't do it on purpose. My misses are usually straight pushes. I play to a +1 and can't really get beyond that unless I can eliminate those occasional 9 GIR rounds where I can't make any putts because my birdie putts are from too long of a distance. And my misses are usually straight pushes as well.
I think the neck tilt gets the face too open at impact so your face tends to match your path and that causes the straight push.
Like I said, it's something I'm working on so I'm not certain it's correct, but I am certain that I don't see any reason to tilt the neck downward on purpose.
Too much weight on left leg in the b.s. when you reach the top, (for the driver), and then more weight on left leg in the d.s. causes you not to be able to clear out the hips, thus the push out to the right.
When most of your weight pressure is on your lead leg it makes it hard to turn it out of the way. So basically your in your own way. If you look close you see squarish hips at impact. It looks like a knock down shot, with a driver. Great looking swing.
It's amazing to me how many people/swings I see on youtube and ranges in my area have "centered pivots" now.
This is an interesting post for me and not that its incorrect in anyway but it makes me think about my swing.