Brian Manzella
...It seems helluva lot easier to let your unwinding core "hit it" and just let impact get in the way. Is this any different than "snapping the chain?" When I think about "snapping the chain" I think of a bigger move right in the backswing, more pivot lag and arms that are thrown off the chest in preparation for impact.....
Shoot some holes in my ideas please!
I gave a lesson today to a VERY good player.
He has spent a bunch of time with all the "centered" pivots, forearm takeaways, and the like.
He hits it better when he swings like Nicklaus....maybe the '65 version.
If you want to "stay right on top of it" on the backswing, go ahead, make my day.
But if you let me, you'll hit it better the RIGHT way.
Now as far as just turning through it with very little swing from the sockets—like your Hogan pic...
Let me get this record straight on this one.
I like the '55 Hogan BETTER now than the '48 Hogan, so I've learned.
He learned too, during those years, and trust me, he learned to control low point and TRUE PATH.
And his arms swung a bit more from the sockets.