I agree with you about the cults-- The Mac crowd, The Hogan Crowd, The Austin Guys, The TGM zealots...
No, I am not Bronco! I just like writing that
No offense to Bronco, but he didn't really understand Austin. He read the 21ist century golf swing and became a zealot of counter rotation (twistaway), and preached it like Mohammed's message from the rock. Counter rotation is awesome, but there's more to it.
I don't think there's anything magical about Austin's pivot, and I don't believe he threw the club from the top. I only use his downswing triggers, and hand action. Trigger the downswing with right side compression (contract your right quadratus lumborum and obliques) this looks like axis tilt, but with intention. I use two forms of austin-like hand action in the DS...
Hand action #1 Is based on getting the Right hand into palmar flexion--- gathering up water which gives me a very vertical clubface--- This is what the Austin guys mean when they compare the swing to a toss...
Hand action #2 is similar-- ride your pivot and tilt(right side compression) as late as possible and you end up having a deep pitch elbow position, fire your right forehand and try to sling the club shaft straight, right hand goes into palmar flexion... If there's a throw it happens late in the swing... Don't worry about a flat wrist--- throw throw throw...
Hand action one--- straight ball to slight fade.
Hand action two--- tight draw
You have to have your left arm connected to your left pec the entire time (Pec Grab). Instead of pivot braking with the left leg/hip, you instead brake with your left leg, left hip, and upper left arm (humerus)... Whipsaw the club pass your left side... bye bye ball.
I think that my version of Austin's swing answers a question that a lot of golfers have: What to do when you have an insane amount of lag? Most golfers who aim for such a deep pitch elbow position end up slicing the ball or end up having too much club shaft lean. I no longer have that problem.
This is not a Honda Civic, it's a high maintenance race car...
I bet PM agrees with half of what I said
I'll make a video when my ankle heals...
Sorry OP....Welcome to the innernets