Slice is only caused by open clubface (H. Haney)

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Either if you are turning it counter clockwise.

If you like, pretend the door knob is rusted and doesn't want to turn so you have to use both hands. Whichever floats your boat and makes the ball flight straighten.

This motion is primarily to isolate the feeling of the left forearm rotating as opposed to rotating the entire arm including the bicep and tricep. A typical "slicer" is trying to rotating their whole arm with a left ward shoulder tug. Tell them to turn the door knob and you effect the clubface without effecting the plane.

Ah! okay i get it, nevermind.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Forearm rotation IS wrist rotation. The difference between AJ and I is that I DON'T want the left wrist to fold.

As you turn a door knob, you actually INCREASE the bend in the right wrist which would flatten or arch the left.

Almost every great player's left wrist bends. Is this a feel you're promoting?
Almost every great player's left wrist bends. Is this a feel you're promoting?


Turn a door knob counter-clockwise with your left hand. Wrist arches.
Turn a door knob counter-clockwise with your right hand. Right wrist bends.

Simple and effective. I don't know how it would be any different than Brian's "twist the shaft about itself".
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