So, today I became an American statistic...

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I know this is a golfing forum, but, when things like this happen, you are willing to try anything...

Today, without warning, I was laid off from my job. I starting working for this company at the end of December. I was hired on for my experience in the facilities management of legal firms (which I had been with my previous employer for about a year and a half). I was supposed to be helping open a new high profile account they set up, however just as we started this account, they found out they lost another account with 7 people (my account had 3). They tried to place me, however today they told me there was nothing they could do, because I was the newest hire.

Thats the story, and I'm not here to write a sob story. Everyone knows just how bad the economy is... I honestly did not see this coming, and I honestly don't think the company did either. But we are all in this mess, and I figured while laying in bed, my mind racing a thousand miles an hour, why not post on the forum? See if there are any leads out there. Brian, if you don't want this on here I understand... but, I am honestly pretty scared... I'm 21, and I just got married, we just moved into an apartment at the beginning of the year, and I'm the bread winner. My wife used to clean houses but extenuating circumstances before we got married forced her to halt that for a while. We were working on getting her more accounts but... not enough to pay the bills, just some extra for us before I lost my job.
I know there are alot of people out there going through exactly what I am going through. But I just want to get this out there.

Im 21, Im hard working, I would LOVE to get into the golf industry. I live in Tampa FL. If anyone knows anything about leads or if you are a club pro looking for someone, or know anything outside of golf in my area... let me know. Thanks for reading, thanks for posting.

I can be reached at and if you want you can PM me, ill give my cell phone number to anyone who wants it.
Sorry to hear that Dash. I've gone through some pretty bad stuff myself and I finally learned a common phrase that was always said by some of my senior co-workers that have been around the block a few times. That simple yet very powerful phrase: "It is what it is". They always said this and I never got it, until something major happened in MY life. I was also very scared and not sure what to do. Then a few days later I finally got it and said, "It is what it is". It sounds so simple but it helped me A LOT. I guess it allowed me to let go of the past and get moving toward the future. Instead of sitting around thinking about it, I looked at it as a new opportunity. One door closes, another door opens. I know this isn't going to help all your problems and find you a new job, but maybe it can give you a little help that it gave me. Good luck
I am sorry to hear about your job. I have a pal that was laid off, and he basically said **** America, and left to go teach English in Korea. He's making about 50k less, but he doesn't have to pay rent or a mortgage, so he's relatively happy. I think that now is the time to get creative. I see opportunity, but not in the traditional go get a job sense. People are afraid, fearful, and waiting to be lead... They want safety or at least the illusion of safety... Feed off that.
self... I have been thinking the same thing... But what? what is marketable to people who have no job, and no money... what is worth the time and effort? I thought I had a job that was relatively ressesion proof, oops.
Whats the answer? How do you package and sell safety?

I'm open, lets make this a discussion, because I have a pretty creative mind and... I need to make money.

oh, and I'm not moving to Korea.


There's a great book by Keith Harrell called Attitude is Everything. In it Keith talks about hard times at IBM back in the 80's and the potential of loosing his job. He talks about how there are many things in life (such as loosing your job) that you simply can not control. The only thing we can control is our attitudes. While we can't control life's obstacles we can control how we react to them and how we deal with them.

Dash, I lost my job in late 99 as part of the debacle when the company I worked for went bankrupt. I was a young IT guy with very little experience, no college degree, and the skills I had (IT related) were in a industry that was full of unemployed people just like me seeking a job. Worse many of them had years of experience and very heavy resumes. Luckily for me I found another IT job in the following months. I took a giant pay cut (40%), readjusted to my new lifestyle, and I basically started over. It took me 5 years to get my salary back to what it was when I lost my job. In the last 4 years things have only gotten better. Looking back, I'm glad tings happened the way they did. I would have been set had we finished our IPO and my options were converted into cash. It was hard to stomach that August day back in 99 when my potential 3million dollar worth of options were worthless and I didn't have a job to pay my bills.

I learned a lot from that experience. I thought it was the end of the world at the time and I didn't have a clue how I was going to live let alone get another job. Things worked out; it wasn't overnight and it wasn't fun. But things worked out.

I don't worry about my job today. Don't get me wrong, it bothers me that I could loose it and it bothers me that I may be asked to let some of my people go. But if it happens it just happens and there is very little I can do about it except deal with it. It won't be fun and it'll give me many sleepless nights but when all is said and done I'll get through it and I'll look back at it as a life experience.

Dash, it sounds like you have the right attitude. Your unemployment thing isn't going to go away today and probably not tomorrow. It's okay to be scared or anything else but just remember this is a temporary hump in your life. It may not be pretty, it may not be fun, but things will get better. Best wishes -Don
2001 I lost my dotcom job in Boulder, Colorado (nice place!), but so did many others. Same boat, just out of college, loans and bills eating at me. There was too many nights I couldnt sleep and watching TV at 3am (half in Spanish) to bore me to death to sleep. I stayed for 2 months and left for back home in MN. Had people I knew and worked 2 jobs (still do lol), but get a game plan and network everyone you know. Relocation is what kept me going and gave me some hope again.
Good luck!
Wow, thanks guys... I appreciate all of your kind words. It does suck right now, but I know we will get through this. But seriously guys, thanks for sharing with me, and helping me realize ill get through this fine.
i feel you man. Everything is slowing down. It's gonna be tough for us. I'm 27 right now and am working for my family. I'm lucky that even I have a job right now. Most of people I know are either out of job or working at min wage. I'm iN L.A. btw. Houses are going foreclosure, nobody can pay for apartment anymore. I'm paying 1800 a month for a studio. I used to play alot of golf, practice daily, now I'm just thinking how to provide food for me and my fiance. Tough!

Attitude is everything. Oh, and working your ass doesn't hurt either.

You are a young man and you can do anything you want. Including being an integral piece of the golf industry if you wish.

Great guys move up the ranks in the golf biz quickly. There's a lot of mediocrity out there. Get in somewhere and outwork everyone else. Smile, take care of members and guest and do way more than what's asked of you.

PM me anytime if you want to talk about it.
Don't discount the miitary

I spent 26 years in the Air Force. I joined right our of high school. It was the best thing I ever did. I have 2 sons who just entered the Air Force after High School. Today you also get a full ride scholarship to any college in your state after 4 years. Today a "new" recruit will make around $30K right off the bat. Great training and benefits. Great golf courses at most locations. Go see a recruiter - there's no obligation

I'm not a big fan of Army and Marines for obvious reason but check out AF and then Navy. If you are drug free and have no criminal background you are good to go......

Fly High - US Air Force
Aim High

I agree with Ray.

I did a bit over 20 and have absolutely no regrets. I would characterize the new GI Bill as a free ride "up to the most expensive state school in your state" though. Also Korea (or anywhere else) is always on the table when serving your country.

PM me if you like and we can get together. I live in the Tampa area.

Air Force

I spent 26 years in the Air Force. I joined right our of high school. It was the best thing I ever did. I have 2 sons who just entered the Air Force after High School. Today you also get a full ride scholarship to any college in your state after 4 years. Today a "new" recruit will make around $30K right off the bat. Great training and benefits. Great golf courses at most locations. Go see a recruiter - there's no obligation

I'm not a big fan of Army and Marines for obvious reason but check out AF and then Navy. If you are drug free and have no criminal background you are good to go......

Fly High - US Air Force

Especially if you're a musician;). There is no better job.
Thanks Martin and Paul, and all of you guys, I just need to know how to get my foot in the door... In the golf industry that is. As far as the job hunting... its going pretty well, I have a friend who is in construction who is allowing me to work with him a little, but you all know how slow that is, so its not a permanent fix by any means, just here and there work. I did get a call today though from a place i sent my resume to today, things are looking up... I appreciate all of the advice and support guys, really.

Having gone through this twice in life...

Some advice I can offer....

Change your life style NOW! Don't rack up a bunch of credit card debt on non-necessities. You might need to bag the cable t.v. Maybe get a family plan on your cell phone with your wife. Treat eating out as a rare reward. Cut expenses like they are cancer...they are!! You will probably have to get rid of golf for awhile. Spend time at the driving range and practice areas instead. What kind of "stuff" can you possibly sell? Have the Mrs. do her own nails, cut back on the expensive make-up, lighten up on the $80 hair styles, do the color job herself or have a friend do it. Attack this right now as with this economy, it's hard to say how long the "between job" status will last.

Seriously, I got myself in debt with credit cards about 15 years ago to the tune of about 50k. It was over a move to Florida and miscalculating how long it would take me to find a good job and get back to my previous income levels. It took me about 4 years to pay that 50k down and I have been very frugal with debt ever since.

The sooner you attack the non-essential out flow of $, the longer your $ resouces will last...or the farther they will take you.
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Some advice I can offer....

Change your life style NOW! Don't rack up a bunch of credit card debt on non-necessities. You might need to bag the cable t.v. Maybe get a family plan on your cell phone with your wife. Treat eating out as a rare reward. Cut expenses like they are cancer...they are!! You will probably have to get rid of golf for awhile. Spend time at the driving range and practice areas instead. What kind of "stuff" can you possibly sell? Have the Mrs. do her own nails, cut back on the expensive make-up, lighten up on the $80 hair styles, do the color job herself or have a friend do it. Attack this right now as with this economy, it's hard to say how long the "between job" status will last.

Seriously, I got myself in debt with credit cards about 15 years ago to the tune of about 50k. It was over a move to Florida and miscalculating how long it would take me to find a good job and get back to my previous income levels. It took me about 4 years to pay that 50k down and I have been very frugal with debt ever since.

The sooner you attack the non-essential out flow of $, the longer your $ resouces will last...or the farther they will take you.

Sounds like good advice whether you have a job or not!
Very true Jim. I just did a research paper on the golf industry and it's not a good time right now. Courses are closing, less and less golfers, less sales, etc. There's been a steady decline in golfers since 2003. Of course the economy has been a large reason.
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