I believe in talent --- I just spent an entire day at a junior golf event, and it's quite obvious that certain people just GET things. Good information and work ethic can make up for a deficit of talent. Talent is also a bit overrated...
About the modern swing:
It sucks! I prefer the young fat Jack type of old school leverage swing. These young dudes aren't even pumping out big power out of these modern swings. They all basically just muscle the club around in an inefficient manner.... I can't even watch golf without cringing at what they call the golf swing. Somehow we are suppose to think the occasional 330 yard drive is BIG POWA, not in my world. If that's golf, I'm not playing it!
Where are all the prophesied new school players averaging 350 yards?
No Lochoa so so boring...
Are you talking about tour pros or college golfers or juniors? Care to give examples?