If the sound doesn't sync, that's a big problem. I was thinking of trying one. I think it might help me with rushing my transition.
But that could be something that needs to be fixed, or maybe is a software issue that can be resolved.
I did not test the product very long, or with students. I liked the product, but thought I would find my own uses for it.
For the most part, I do not teach with training aids anymore.
I think most teachers probably should if it helps them.
In an indoor, or indoor/outdoor studio setting, I think I would purchase a unit.
Flying Wedges?
So you are TGMer.
What in the world would make you think that this device will eliminate leakage, or poor alignments?
I sure didn't.
To me, it is TIMING device, and the first good AUDIBLE one.
It is NOT a teacher. Nor will it "compensate" for poor teaching, lazy teaching, or ignorant teachers.