SURVEY: What make a golf lesson a success?

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I would say any lesson where the student walks away knowing how to identify when he/she is tugging would be a success.
Hitting it better, eh, not so important to me really... Getting/Giving the right info so lasting improvement can be made. Period.
Improve the student's ballflight, help him understand why, and provide him effective explanations for what he failed to do when he misses a shot and it curves a certain way.

Take me, for example. What went wrong when I hit a high push is probably very different from what went wrong when I hit a smother-hook.
Ask the student what their goal is, why they have come to you and where they want you to take them. The review of the first lesson should include a summarry and possibly some humbling words from the teacher on some realistic goals.

This one hasn't been mentioned yet but I feel is important.
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when s/he understands more about the golf swing and what s/he needs to do. Best with some tips on how to ingrain these new moves!
Just knowing what to do doesn't help if the student doesn't know how to train it!
Retired teacher's thoughts: clear modelling by the teacher and understanding on the part of the student of the desired learning/student outcome; clear guided practice, clear feedback, review and "homework" in the form of drills, exercises, key thoughts.
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