SURVEY: What make a golf lesson a success?

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The student walks away with a swing change they can execute without too much stuggle; and is motivated to do so because of the results the change produces.
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Helping the student understand their own swing and what works for that golfer.... Lower scores ! The reason why I take lessons... Lower scores with a pattern designed by some one I trust... BMANZ!!!!!
When the pupil realises that he and his previous golf pros are all misinformed, that he has been pi##ing against the wind for years because of this and that his new teacher (who "gets" it) is his only hope of redemption.
Identifying the good and not so good parts of a students game. Explaining to the student simply yet completely what they need to do to keep the good aspects and fix the bad. Demonstrate these moves/positions and convince the student they are on the right track if they work to implement them and know when to stop talking so you do not over teach it. Lastly, leave the student with a plan that they can implement on their own without you there that keeps them working on the correct fixes without getting off track.
For me, it is that I know and/or have a better understanding of my golf swing, what I need to do and building a relationship/partnership.
A lesson that has you hitting better, repeatedly, with a fix that doesn't sound like it was pulled straight from a magazine or a greatest tips book you could have read yourself! :cool:

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
A lesson that has you hitting better, repeatedly, with a fix that doesn't sound like it was pulled straight from a magazine or a greatest tips book you could have read yourself! :cool:

If you hit it better, what difference does it make what the fix was?:)
Good point. I suppose I've had far too many cliche lessons with fixes that didn't last and were basically just magazine tip regurgitation. Originality in a lesson, tailored to the student is more valuable in my opinion. Then you really get your money's worth!
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