As someone who is certainly interested in your swing, please tell us more about how you went about this and the thought process to your change. Good to see those pull hooks gone.
Hey Kev,
You are the one who first identified my early extension. I didn't really look into it until several weeks later. I have been seeing a muscle therapist and have really tight hip flexors and back upper quads. Once a week appts has helped maintain that angle physically.
But mentally is a different story. Being an ex-baseball player this early extension is a signature move for us and part of our power package. With a baseball swing there is no other way but to extend the hips as you open them up based on our spine angle. Working on the early extension has made a world of difference in my swing.
There are also 2 other points that you suggested that I have finally put together.
1. Getting my hands down as early as I can in the downswing. (low hands at impact)
2. Controlling my knee action
I think that knee action is not talked about in golf instruction near as much as it should be. And maybe its because most amateurs may not swing like me, but every guy I play with has pretty poor knee action. My biggest fault concerning the knees is the left knee going towards the ball on the backswing. This is my "pull" trigger. Everytime my left knee goes towards ball I severly swing to the inside and poof goes the pull hook. I have fixed two guys in my groups pulls and big hooks from knee action alone.
Going back to the early extension, my swing thought here is to try and push my butt through the imaginary wall behind me. I can actually hit cuts with my irons the more I do this. But, if I get weak knees it doesn't matter how much I push through the wall I still get the big hook. I also try and push my knees back with my butt. Don't know if this is correct or not, but when I get super squaty with the knees (knees sitting over toes), I cannot control them and they must move back and forth. So the less bend in the knees and the placing of them over the center of my foot closer to the heel instead of toes has really cured the pull.
And for me, chaning swing path or whatever does not cure the early extension. I have to consiously push the butt back.
Thanks for all the advice Kevin, I will post some video soon of my swing so you can see the progress. Your insight is a big reason for my improvement.