TGM Authorization

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To tell you the truth, I think $1200.00 is cheap to get some details from folks who know. The more I learn about TGM, the more I see instructors are using it without attribution to Homer. If I were going to seriously teach, I would certainly consider the cost reasonable, especially since TGM works. I think the key to understanding is communicating with someone who has had this training and can put it in terms that are understandable.

I have considered going to the course just to learn more but don't have the time to spare right now. I may go in the future and would consider it money and time well spent.

quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

How much did Homer charge to get authorized?

Just curious why you're asking?

What's curious is that no one else has asked. [:0]

If Homer didn't charge anything, which is what I suspect, then why is Joe Daniels charging $1200? :(
Back before TGM change to the current owners, the cost of the test was minimum. I don't recall what the cost of his classes were but they had to be really neat to attend in his garage where he did most of his research...


It is not $1200 that is just the 'first' class. Correct me if I am mistaken but to be 'authorized' is two classes - $2400 - plus expenses/travel.

So at least $3000, assuming reasonable travel expenses.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

How much did Homer charge to get authorized?

Just curious why you're asking?

What's curious is that no one else has asked. [:0]

If Homer didn't charge anything, which is what I suspect, then why is Joe Daniels charging $1200? :(

I was told that he use to run evening classes till late... I presume at least charge for some sandwiches and drinks

Let me go and ask Randy...
quote:Originally posted by EdZ

It is not $1200 that is just the 'first' class. Correct me if I am mistaken but to be 'authorized' is two classes - $2400 - plus expenses/travel.

So at least $3000, assuming reasonable travel expenses.

You be correct as I understand it. Oh, and then an annual $150 fee to be included on the Web site and etc.

Somehow I think you are lite on expenses for two four day classes assuming it is not in your local area.
And it was never a two part GSEB as I remember. (Mo money on Mo money- just kidding)
I would love to begin my certification but I do feel Joe is leaning toward (PGA) professionals and not Joe Duffer to become AIs.


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

How much did Homer charge to get authorized?

Just curious why you're asking?

What's curious is that no one else has asked. [:0]

If Homer didn't charge anything, which is what I suspect, then why is Joe Daniels charging $1200? :(

Homer charged each of us $250 for our January 1982 five-day GSEM Class. Money at 7 percent doubles every 10 years, so that would make $250 then worth about $1,000 now ($250 X 2 X 2). But Homer had no expenses -- he taught in his study and had no handouts or AV presentations -- whereas Joe teaches in a commercial facility, provides handouts and AV...and, I believe, coffee and some refreshments. Anyway, $1,200 for his course seems about right.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

It seems to me most TGMers today, in contrast to 1985, are a bunch of rich guys with LOTS of disposable income and time.

I believe we come from all walks of life. I'm an RN, which means I make an average middle class income. I only work 3 days a week (but they are 12-16 hr days), but I certainly don't have a sack full of money. :)


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

It seems to me most TGMers today, in contrast to 1985, are a bunch of rich guys with LOTS of disposable income and time.

I don't think you have seen too many club professionals tax returns.:D

I believe the reasoning behind splitting the GSEB level was not predicated on money, I believe some students were not prepared for the onslaught of information, I believe the split in classes came from feedback from the students. They wanted more time to incubate if you will. I think the students who have gone through both classes are generally much more prepared to help their students than some who only went through the first. I was authorized in the first, but went to second just to learn, it was money well spent, (see comment above also).



If the idea is to 'grow' TGM, it seems to me that you need to get NEW teachers before they have become too set in their views on how to teach/swing with other approaches. That means you are going after folks who are early in their PGA process and have little time/money.

Not a good combination for growth.

Perhaps Joe, or anyone else who may know his views, can share what 'market' TGM authorization is really intended to target?

Authorization for the sake of ensuring that TGM is taught with a common understanding is one thing. Authorization for 'profit' is quite another. I think this really 'sells' TGM short and limits how far it can go in the future.
I bought my book in 1983 or 84 for $11.60 and I played all day at a plush public course for $5, testing different patterns. Seems like everything TGM has become exclu$ive just like the PGA. The only bargains remaining are TGM Forums(without "premium content" fees), Brians's on-line videos, and Greg McHatton at $40/half hour.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

If the idea is to 'grow' TGM, it seems to me that you need to get NEW teachers before they have become too set in their views on how to teach/swing with other approaches. That means you are going after folks who are early in their PGA process and have little time/money.

Not a good combination for growth.

Perhaps Joe, or anyone else who may know his views, can share what 'market' TGM authorization is really intended to target?

Authorization for the sake of ensuring that TGM is taught with a common understanding is one thing. Authorization for 'profit' is quite another. I think this really 'sells' TGM short and limits how far it can go in the future.


I agree to a certain extent. However, profits are the life blood of our economy. I for one would be a stickly "for profit" customer. I would go just to learn. I have no teaching aspirations. I just want to get better.

I guess your market would be those that teach and then the koolaid drinkers like myself.




quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

But do you carry the GSEB after the first. And what is different about the second?
You do not get the GSEB after the first, a tough thing for some, the two part process is the original split into two sessions. It obviously allows for more through understanding of the materials, more time for question and answer sessions, better instructors.

I think the authorization process is a tough thing, you want the best instructors with the best information, you can't make it too easy, you have to make it expensive to insure people are serious about the process, I do not know what it costs to go to other golf teacher schools, but I would think you have to balance growing your instructors for the sake of saying we have this many instructors out there and providing quality information through your instructors. I believe TGM wants to have the best instructors in the world, we all believe we have the best information, but the best information misapplied can be disasterous.

The PGA ran into the same problem a few years back with its apprentice program, it was easy and relativly inexpensive to get in, all of sudden the PGA had a whole bunch of apprentices with no where to go, not enough jobs to move up to, some apprentices without the drive to move on, so the PGA made the process more difficult and more expensive, do we have better apprentices because of it, that can be argued all day, but I do think they have weeded out the guys who got into the business just because they didn't know what they wanted to do with their life.

TGM can be taught to any instuctors, I don't think being set in your views will make that much difference, it may be harder to reach those folks but they will come around, we all do eventually!!

I can't speak for Joe, but I think TGM wants to be the leading network of the best instructors in the world. If it makes a profit on the way, good for him. If TGM LLC is making money, I am sure all the AI's will be doing alright also.

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