Charles still needs NSA.
As for the hitch being gone, it’s getting better during the drills but they haven’t showed him on the golf course yet.
Oh, I see.
No proof it won't be there yet.
I'll be waiting...
If Haney would just focus on his pivot and forget the plane crap, he could probably fix him pretty good. I'm afraid that making him flatter is going to get in the way of real progress though.
Did Haney actually fix Barkley's hitch?
Is it now gone?
(I don't watch the show)
the end result of barkley and haney. big improvement.
agreed. definitely teaching him a method...not looking for the "root" cause.
lots of talk about getting him on a better talk about why he might be on his current plane (clubface issues).
So asking someone to swing on a flatter plane is a method?...
"Method" has become a 4-letter word when you happend to disagree with someone's theory/pattern, etc.
But in Charles Barkley's case, any teacher would (eventually) flatten his plane. It's vertical at the top.
In this case, my point was Haney was moving to orthodox on Barkley's plane. I realize that Haney's rep is that he teaches flatter planes.
What on earth is "orthodox"? There are so many different ways to swing the club it's unbelievable.
Haney is very much a "one method man". Barkley IS a real challenge for him. I'm not sure Barkley is really going to succeed long term with Haney's method.
Barkely could probably perform an upright power swing (a la long driver) by simply getting a little deeper on the backswing and giving himself some space to clear through on the downswing.
In my opinion, his hitch looks like a move conditioned by the fact that his upright swing plane is very close to the target line and with his address and poor pivot, he has to fit it in. One way would be to cast it from the top, and he knows this is not good, so his athleticism kicks in, he resists casting on the way down until by crunching and making a series of half-pivots, he finds the space to sling it through.
He's sorta like Jim Furyk without the final loop.
What is orthodox? It certainly isn't a vertical shaft plane at the top.
Orthodox is a term used by many here: most notably by our host if you have paid attention to the concept of the Matrix.
By the way, I never said that Haney ISN"T a method teacher. Nor did I say that I think Haney is putting first things first.
However, the emotion that the term Method Teacher appears to be evoking, is making my point.