The "Real" Turned Shoulder Plane

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tradekid said:
I could be wrong but I would think you can't draw a turned shoulder plane line UNTIL THE SHOULDER IS TURNED.!

You can if the player's intent is to turn the shoulder perpendicular to the spine, which is the situation with Snead, O'Grady and others! You also can if the intent is to Zero shift and the TSP needs to match the preselected downstroke plane. Setting aside HK's preferences, and the shoulder turn is less steep or Flat (TGM definition), I agree (FWIW)! :)

nevermind said:
any visuals? can you do it all the way to impact(without a straigh trail arm)? beyond?

Also, why has the plane been drawn through the ball? The defined plane angles are for the clubshaft, not the sweetspot, arent they? Shouldn't the plane intersect the ground slightly inside the ball?

Anyone? Would really like to see a pic of the trail shoulder and clubshaft both on the TSP nearing or at impact.

I think that anyone who has the shaft on the TSP at impact turns their shoulders flatter (above plane) coming in, and anyone with their trail shoulder on the TSP at impact will have moved the shaft move to a slightly flatter plane.

Brian Manzella

DOCW3 said:
You can if the player's intent is to turn the shoulder perpendicular to the spine, which is the situation with Snead, O'Grady and others! You also can if the intent is to Zero shift and the TSP needs to match the preselected downstroke plane. Setting aside HK's preferences, and the shoulder turn is less steep or Flat (TGM definition), I agree (FWIW)! :)

Please, with the HK preferences.

I have done my research, and a LOT OF THIS is hype.

Now, please explain how a TSP can be located in a position that the shoulder NEVER reaches.

Brian Manzella said:
Please, with the HK preferences.

I have done my research, and a LOT OF THIS is hype.

Now, please explain how a TSP can be located in a position that the shoulder NEVER reaches.



If “preferences” is a misrepresentation of the patterns, your “calibration” is noted.


10-13-D "ON PLANE"- “ After a 13-B or 13-C Backstroke Shoulder Turn the Right Shoulder moves toward Impact precisely on the preselected Downstroke Clubshaft Plane, establishing and supporting the Power Package Delivery alignments. When the Shoulder can't quite reach the Plane, it is better to use a steeper Plane.”

How does the player know if they were successful in “reaching” the Plane? Doesn’t this section when combined with the pattern components provide a reasonable answer to why the Address photos are included? .

BTW, it would help if we understood how you establish the most effective TSP for different players and if there tends to be a pattern based on skill levels.

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