Brian Manzella said:
Please, with the HK preferences.
I have done my research, and a LOT OF THIS is hype.
Now, please explain how a TSP can be located in a position that the shoulder NEVER reaches.
If “preferences” is a misrepresentation of the patterns, your “calibration” is noted.
10-13-D "ON PLANE"- “ After a 13-B or 13-C Backstroke Shoulder Turn the Right Shoulder moves toward Impact precisely on the preselected Downstroke Clubshaft Plane, establishing and supporting the Power Package Delivery alignments. When the Shoulder can't quite reach the Plane, it is better to use a steeper Plane.”
How does the player know if they were successful in “reaching” the Plane? Doesn’t this section when combined with the pattern components provide a reasonable answer to why the Address photos are included? .
BTW, it would help if we understood how you establish the most effective TSP for different players and if there tends to be a pattern based on skill levels.