Brian Manzella
This sequence of Jack Nicklaus—the Greatest Golfer of All-Time—was taken from the book THE FULL SWING.
They did a really bad job in the book, all the pictures where rotated different, and the lines weren't any good either.
After 2 hours of work, I think you can see the left arm across the chest at the top, swinging off the chest to and through impact, finally having he right arm swinging across.
Do I think EVERYONE should swing like this?
Heck no.
But a lot of folks should, and a move like this is poo-pooed almost everywhere on the 'net.
Not here.
They did a really bad job in the book, all the pictures where rotated different, and the lines weren't any good either.
After 2 hours of work, I think you can see the left arm across the chest at the top, swinging off the chest to and through impact, finally having he right arm swinging across.
Do I think EVERYONE should swing like this?
Heck no.
But a lot of folks should, and a move like this is poo-pooed almost everywhere on the 'net.
Not here.