Todd Dugan
I've suggested on this thread that the horizontal positions vary between clubs... between the driver, long irons and short irons.... and if its a fully sequenced swing or a quiet lower body swing as with short clubs. Also body anatomy largely influences the relationship between the lead arm and should span length.
What is so significant about Nicklaus' driver swing and the position of his left arm?
Good point about different clubs. Shoulders are typically more open at impact with driver. I see that with Tour pros and its very obvious in my own swing.
Regarding Nicklaus, the more the left arm swings back to the left across the chest before impact, the earlier the right arm straightens.....the earlier the right arm straightens, the earlier the shaft is released past the left arm. Nicklaus had thos elements in his swing. Slightly unusual for a Tour pro, but it certainly didn't hinder his typically long and straight ball flight.