Tiger at Doral

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Yes wulsy, everyone knows this, which makes it even more amazing why the only soccer player that I've ever heard of is David Beckham. And I had to google soccer player married to spice girl to figure that out. Just not that cool to most Americans.

It is pretty amazing, but that's just how the world works I suppose. One man's meat is another man's poison...

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Interesting statistic:

Soccer: 3.5 BILLION fans worldwide.

Baseball: 500 million
Basketball: 400 million
Football (American): <400 million.

Hard to believe the popularity of that sport, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Maybe one day I'll figure out the appeal but watching a 0-0 tie is like pure torture. They should use it in interrogation rooms in this country.
It can be pretty boring at times, even die hard soccer fans will agree.

But it can be a thing of breathtaking athleticism, perfection of timing and teamwork, genius of tactics and guile not to mention the tribalism factor when your team wins against the "enemy" by scoring in the last minute. Just look at these 2 guys to see why people watch (2 fans who get to commentate on camera):

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sux2rJDYdCw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Hard to believe the popularity of that sport, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Maybe one day I'll figure out the appeal but watching a 0-0 tie is like pure torture. They should use it in interrogation rooms in this country.

The overall quality of soccer on this side of the globe is rather poor (aside from some teams in South America, but they may not get much TV coverage in the US).

I think soccer can be exciting, but you need to have some appreciation of the sport. A lot of people probably think golf is mind-numbing torture and it wasn't until I started to play golf that I wanted to watch more and more of it. I used to think competitive weight lifting was dull as all get out. Then I started to get into the Olympic lifts at the gym and now watching the best lifters is really appealing to me.

IMO, soccer and hockey have some similarities in that, usually, you don't have a ton of scoring and the action is pretty continuous. Whereas baseball and (american) football have a lot of stoppages. I find myself watching a lot less football in recent years. The constant TV timeouts, especially, for the prime time games is just too much.


It is pretty amazing, but that's just how the world works I suppose. One man's meat is another man's poison...

Also bear in mind that most Americans have ZERO appreciation or interest/knowledge for cultures outside of the US. It may not be always intentional; maybe the average Tom, Dick, and Mary have more to worry about than the Champions League standings.

Still, I think most Americans have very little knowledge of international history, economics, cuisine, sports, etc.



Originally Posted by ms1170
When you hear great music, do you need the musician to have balance in their life?

Originally Posted by ms1170
Does a great meal need to be prepared by a chef with balance in their life?
For me, yes.

Originally Posted by ms1170
I want the best brain surgeon for my child's operation. I don't care if he has balance in his life.
It would be preferable to me if he had.

Originally Posted by ms1170
Also, I don't think I'm the one to judge whether another person's life has balance or not.
Fair comment, but don't you have people that you like and people that you don't like? Guys that you admire or find inspirational? Guys that you can't stand or despise? Everyone's got preferences and I just can't stand greedy self-centred egomaniacs who have no respect for others, not even their family. To me, TW is one of the most unlikeable guys ever to have been at the top of the game. Guys like Lionel Messi, Roger Federer and Sebastian Vettel put him to shame.

The problem with your whole argument Wulsy is that you will never know whether anyone other than a celebrity has Balance in thier life. Tigers you know so you draw conclusions. With your daughters life in the balance I doubt you would look for balance first and her saftey second!!! Just my opinion.
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Hard to believe the popularity of that sport, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Maybe one day I'll figure out the appeal but watching a 0-0 tie is like pure torture. They should use it in interrogation rooms in this country.

Come on, Kevin, you like to watch golf on TV for God's sake! If you don't know much about a sport, then it's hard to appreciate the sophistication of it at its highest level. Until you do. That applies to sports that seem boring like baseball, soccer and (yes) even golf.
Hard to believe the popularity of that sport, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Maybe one day I'll figure out the appeal but watching a 0-0 tie is like pure torture. They should use it in interrogation rooms in this country.
I actually have to agree with you. I only watch football during the World Cup or European cup but you can't escape the whole hype here.
But at least in the World Cup the whole world is playing as opposed to the 'World Series' which is only played in one country.

Once tried to watch a baseball game while out on business in the states. Man, curling is more exciting than that! I'll take cricket over that any day!
The problem with your whole argument Wulsy is that you will never know whether anyone other than a celebrity has Balance in thier life. Tigers you know so you draw conclusions. With your daughters life in the balance I doubt you would look for balance first and her saftey second!!! Just my opinion.

You're right jimmy, but I feel that those who are decent people are more likely to do their job well, DAY IN DAY OUT. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. Here's an example of what I was trying to say about "balance":
I've heard about great surgeons who like a few glasses of red wine of an evening to relax. Nothing wrong with that. But, when operating on a top sportsman they lay off the wine the night before. When operating on ordinary folks, they don't seem to take quite the same amount of pride in their work. Others lay off the wine every time they have an OP the next day, because they look at life in a different way.

That's why I try, if I can, to find people who live their lives in a certain way when I'm dependent on their services. This couldn't be more true when it comes to the medical profession.


You're right jimmy, but I feel that those who are decent people are more likely to do their job well, DAY IN DAY OUT. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. Here's an example of what I was trying to say about "balance":
I've heard about great surgeons who like a few glasses of red wine of an evening to relax. Nothing wrong with that. But, when operating on a top sportsman they lay off the wine the night before. When operating on ordinary folks, they don't seem to take quite the same amount of pride in their work. Others lay off the wine every time they have an OP the next day, because they look at life in a different way.

That's why I try, if I can, to find people who live their lives in a certain way when I'm dependent on their services. This couldn't be more true when it comes to the medical profession.

I don't disagree with one thing you said. I completely understand your example. My only point is you just don't know. How do you know the surgeon is laying off the wine the night before he operates on a "CELEB", maybe he drinks more because of the tremendous amount of exposure he is about to face.

We have to make the best decisions we can based on the information we can actually get our hands on, more importantly you should look for recommendations or referrals from people you know.

Getting away from the topic however......bottom line ......you just don't know

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Come on, Kevin, you like to watch golf on TV for God's sake! If you don't know much about a sport, then it's hard to appreciate the sophistication of it at its highest level. Until you do. That applies to sports that seem boring like baseball, soccer and (yes) even golf.

Oh, I know plenty about soccer

For me, yes.

It would be preferable to me if he had.

Fair comment, but don't you have people that you like and people that you don't like? Guys that you admire or find inspirational? Guys that you can't stand or despise? Everyone's got preferences and I just can't stand greedy self-centred egomaniacs who have no respect for others, not even their family. To me, TW is one of the most unlikeable guys ever to have been at the top of the game. Guys like Lionel Messi, Roger Federer and Sebastian Vettel put him to shame.
Wulsy my man: question. How many days or hours have you been in his company? You must know him personally to spew this much venom about him or anyone. Cause I doubt a man of your integrity would find this kind of hatred from a public personae or TV caricature. I always enjoy your comments dude but I think you need to check your motivation here my friend.
jimmyt, OK I have to agree.

DC, true, I've only seen his public persona and know nothing about him privately. A pal of my played with him years ago in a tournament in Asia and said he was a really nice guy. You're right bud, I need to consider why I dislike him so much.
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