I don't think the 2000 Tiger would have won this past Sunday either, he never comes from behind in majors. Tiger's domination other than having an amazing amount of talent was centered around fear. Every other golfer on the course feared him and felt like they were going to lose to him at some point, that fear is gone, maybe for good. When you've got 20 something's who have never played the course before shooting 276 with Tiger lurking, you know he no longer has a mental edge. Really Y.E. Yang winning the PGA started it all, followed by the debacle that is Tiger's personal life. Yang stepped on the tee and said to himself, " I can swing better than this guy" and he did. Now every 20 something with a sponsor on their hat striping balls on the range next to Tiger chunking 3-woods knows they can take him or at least thinks they can, which is often more important. Someone said it best by welcoming Tiger to Jack's world. Trevino, Casper, Player, Palmer, Miller, those guys weren't scared of Jack, they might lose some to him, but they weren't scared of him and won a lot too, that's what the tour is moving to now, white belts, crazy colored clothes, and no fear.