How does he not hit skypops.
Well, the greatest golfer that ever lived can bring the driver in at an awkward angle and still hit the center of the face. But, he may hit a drop-kick hook if he tries to pitch some loft back on the face.
If the tournament golf world was a comic strip, and Tiger was Superman....and I was the Divotdevil, the mastermind villian, and I was trying to destroy his career, I would encourage him to do the one thing his talent can't work around. And that would be to have him deliver the clubhead with no dynamic loft left on it.
He can come 8 degrees from the inside (like before- laid off and steep downswing shoulder pivot) and still flip his way to a few more majors...he is that good. But if he has 8 degrees of forward shaft lean on a 9 degree lofted driver....well, he better be trying to hit a cut. He'll still be able to hit good 9-iron shots because the club has 43 degrees of loft on it to begin with, but he'll be effectively neutered with the longer, flat-faced clubs.
Will he still win a few golf tournaments from 272 in the right rough (punch cut 3wood) while Dustin Johnson is 323 in the fairway, or Luke Donald is 286 in the fairway? Yes...but not nearly as many as he would have otherwise.
Let's see, what else could I do to destroy him....BBwwwahahahaha!
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